Laman Rasmi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak


Get it together: an interior designer�s guide to creating your best life

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Call no.
: 747 SOR
: Orlando Soria; photographs by Zeke Ruelas
: Edison Ricket
If you have ever needed a guide to solving most�problems in a home, this is it! �I have already�started a list of what I need to do or redo. A grownup person`s book, this one will help you get it done. It all started on HGTV for Orlando Soria. �He is an interior designer, writer, visual artist, and author of the blog Hommemaker. He has also been featured in numerous magazines and newspapers.�This book will help you solve many of the problems we face in entertaining, designing, relationships, and most of the things on your to-do-list!