1. To share knowledge on the ancient grave markers of the Jatti Miriek community in Miri, Sarawak.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yakup Mohd. Rafie, UNIMAS
Encik Awangko Hamdan, UNIMAS
The Sarawakiana Carnival is organised once in every two years. It’s main objective is to promote the sustainability of knowledge culture and intellectual discourse, especially on Sarawakiana matters. In 2019, the theme for Sarawakiana Carnival is Sarawak Arts: Sculptures & Carvings (Seni Ukiran dan Arca Sarawak) was chosen to showcase and highlight the uniqueness of sculptures and carvings among the various ethnics in Sarawak. The carnival will be a platform for the community engagement and knowledge sharing through activities and collaboration with smart partners.
The term sculpture can be translated briefly as a three-dimensional artwork or a masterpiece. The old Greek sculpture gives the meaning of carving, punching, cutting and modeling using clay or candles to construct an object in a single or three-dimensional (Gaunt 1966, Ocvirk 1994). In Sarawak, sculpture can be seen ingrained as a way of life and as part of the custom and culture of the various ethnic tribes in Sarawak.
Iban for example is one of the ethnic tribes in Sarawak which is well known for their beautifully crafted arts in sculpture. Amongst them is the engraving of statues that plays a role in protecting their community and keep the Iban community safe. According to Augustine Raoh Mapang (1991) in his study entitled "The Role of Motive Engraving on the Traditional Shield of the Iban Society in Sarawak", the Iban community believes that the wood used for carving has a spirit. The motifs of each carving explain subtle interpretations either through literature, history and traditions as well as the skills of a craftsmanship in the past.
According to the beliefs of the Iban community, to carve terabai is not just a mere specialty. This is because every selected Iban sculptor gets an idea from God either through a hunch or a dream. Or, in relative terms, it is directly related to the worship and admiration of the Gods according to their animism.
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Social Research Assistant
Majlis Adat Istiadat Sarawak
Social Research Assistant
Majlis Adat Istiadat Sarawak
UiTM Kampus Kota Samarahan
Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
IPG Kampus Batu Lintang
Suara Sarawak
Kuching Skills College
Kuching Skills College
1. To share knowledge on the ancient grave markers of the Jatti Miriek community in Miri, Sarawak.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yakup Mohd. Rafie, UNIMAS
Encik Awangko Hamdan, UNIMAS
1. To share the knowledge on the history of Jerunai in Melanau community.
2. To expose the participants with the stories behind the making of Jerunai in Melanau community.
Encik John Ling, Majlis Adat Istiadat Sarawak (MAIS)
1. The program is one of the initiative to preserve Sarawak’s culture and language in poem using local ethnic dialect in Sarawak Malay and Iban languages.
Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka (DBP)
Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Sarawak (JPNS)
1. Sharing skills and expertise in the art of carving and sculpture.
2. Promoting the art of sculpting among the younger generation to develop talents and creativity.
Perbadanan Kemajuan Kraftangan Malaysia Cawangan Sarawak
1. To inculcate interest in the art of carving and sculpture especially traditional sculptures in Sarawak amongst the general public.
2. To share knowledge and skills in producing fine engraving and sculptures.
Jabatan Muzium Sarawak
Dewan Bandaraya Kuching Utara (DBKU)
2.Majlis Bandaraya Kuching Selatan (MBKS)
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM)
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
Lim Kok Wing University
1. To share knowledge on traditional Sarawak’s cuisine of selected ethnic communities in Sarawak.
2. To record and document unique Sarawak’s traditional recipes as a reference for researchers and younger generation.
3. To preserve the knowledge of native people (Indigenous Knowledge) and to promote local culinary in Sarawak.
Chef Jespa Langki, Kuching Skills College
Chef Sebastian Ali, Kuching Skills College
1. To learn as well as to share knowledge and skills on the art of traditional Sarawak Malay embroidery - Sulaman Cabut through workshop.
2. To create awareness and showcase unique traditional Sarawak Malay embroidery - Sulaman Cabut through exhibition
Puan Dayang Noraizimah binti Haji Awang Ibrahim
Dayang Rohayati binti Haji Awang Ibrahim
1. To attract young people in the art of wire sculptures as well as the right techniques in producing wire sculptures.
2. To promote the art of wire sculpting among younger generation and to develop talents and creativity.
Encik Awangko Hamdan
1. To showcase the uniqueness and authenticity of various ethnic cultures in Sarawak.
2. To preserve and ensure continuity of Sarawak’s heritage and ethnic diversity
3. To showcase the use of engravings and sculptures in the dance performance.
Minister of Tourism, Art, Culture, Youth and Sports Sarawak
1. Sharing skills and expertise in the art of carving and sculptures.
2. Promoting the art of sculpting among the younger generation to develop talents and creativity.
Perbadanan Kemajuan Kraftangan Malaysia Cawangan Sarawak
1. To inculcate interest in the art of carvings and sculptures especially traditional sculptures in Sarawak amongst the general public.
2. To share knowledge and skills in producing fine engraving and sculptures.
Jabatan Muzium Sarawak
Dewan Bandaraya Kuching Utara (DBKU)
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM)
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
Lim Kok Wing University
1. To share knowledge on the history of Sarawak.
2. To impart knowledge on Sarawak’s history through local perspective.
8:30 a.m. : Registration and tea break
9:30 a.m. : Session 1 - Pembinaan Sarawak Moden antara Bendera dan Bedil by Dr. Suffian Mansor (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
10:15 a.m. : Session 2 - Kolonalisme dan Kesedaran Awal Politik Moden Penduduk Sarawak by Dr. Nordi Achie (Universiti Malaysia Sabah)
11:00 a.m. : Session 3 - Limbang : Isu yang Tiada Kesudahan by En Habid’s Buhigiba bin Mohamad Bustaman (Institut Pendidikan Guru, Kampus Batu Lintang)
11:45 a.m. : Session 4 - Kesedaran Awal Politik di Kalangan Wanita Sarawak by Dr. Nadrawina Isnin (UiTM, Campus Kota Samarahan)
12:30 p.m. : Question and Answers
1:00 p.m. : End
1. Provides an opportunity to all walks of life to actively participate in sports.
2. Instill a culture of sport and healthy lifestyle among all levels of the local community.
3. Instill the spirit among all participants through sport competitions.
4. To instill the love and awareness on the importance of our local cultural heritage amongst participants.
Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi (KSR), Pustaka Negeri Sarawak
1. To promote Sarawak traditional games especially among younger generation.
2. To teach and impart knowledge to younger generation games from the past to stimulate their growth, social skills, creativity, imagination and camaraderie.
3. To ensure knowledge on traditional games will be preserved
Jabatan Kebudayaan dan Kesenian Negara (JKKN) Sarawak
1. To promote and preserve the uniqueness of Malay culture especially in Hadrah.
2. To protect and maintain Hadrah as the most popular Malay traditional instrument and heritage on performance arts.
3. To cultivate the interest of Malay youths and global community in Hadrah.
Old Kuching Smart Heritage (OKSHE)
Persatuan Kesenian dan Warisan Melayu Kuching (KEWARISMA)
1. Sharing skills and expertise in the art of carvings and sculptures.
2. Promoting the art of sculpting among the younger generation to develop talents and creativity.
Kraftangan Sarawak
1. To inculcate interest in the art of carving and sculpture especially tra-ditional sculptures in Sarawak amongst the general public.
2. To share knowledge and skills to produce fine engraving and sculptures.
Jabatan Muzium Sarawak
Dewan Bandaraya Kuching Utara (DBKU)
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM)
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
Lim Kok Wing University
1. As a symbolic of the closing of the Sarawakiana Carnival for the year 2019.
Sarawak Cultural Village