Category FAQs Search : Smart City
Question: Smart Cities or Smart People?
Answer: Undoubtedly, information and communications technology fascinate for at least one reason: they assist the progress of unprecedented connectivity among people and institutions. The effect of it is multifaceted. As this study outlines, digital technological innovations register never-ending immersion in everyday life and in all fields, and this necessitates permanent adaptability to the social and cultural contexts or else their impact is incoherent and inefficient. In short, there are two co-determiners that generate innovation and progress in cities, communities, societies: technological change going hand in hand with social and cultural change. The core element in both determinants is the human factor and this is what filters any external interventions in the process of self-conceptualization and self-construction, and then it replicates, in the larger context, all the results of this processing, preparation and refinement of change. Due to increased connectedness, this very act of participation and co-creation in innovation gets to be extended to a much larger scale, from the level of one individual, community or city to that of more individuals, communities and cities.
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(Source: Gala Academic Onefile, 08 Apr 2020)