Category FAQs Search : Smart City
Question: Smart city concept in small city
Answer: In the existing literature related to smart city development, a wide consensus exists on the need to build new smart city solutions because of urbanization, user expectations, technological development, and environmental challenges. This paper presented practical viewpoints, cases and experiences relating to the planning of smart cities, and the availability of services. We also considered how these examples could be used as a tool for city planning in a smart city context. In this way, the paper may provide helpful information based on “lessons learned”, relevant to all the actors involved and interested to participate in smart city development (and the fundamental services themselves).We presented a case study of three small cities in southern Finland, all of which had selected to undertake smart city development in a clearly defined area directly related to the strategic focus of the city or region. In this manner, a common denominator for the cases was that each town is basing its smart city activities in key strategic areas. In all three cases, the towns were actually platforms for smart city development projects, which enable inhabitants and other stakeholders to participate in planning and development, and thus become part of the ecosystem.
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(Source: Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia, 23 Mar 2020)