Category FAQs Search : Sibu Water Board
Question: Why is the water supply to my house dirty?
Answer: It could be due to one of the following reasons:
1. Bib tap or faucet is corroded due to low quality material used
2. Stagnant water at the dead end of water main
3. Galvanized iron pipe that have corroded over the years.
4. Storage tank( G.I. or stainless steel tank) is not regularly cleaned and maintained
5. Our raw water source is Batang Rajang. It is rich in soluble minerals like iron and manganese. Iron and manganese are colorless in their soluble form. Our treatment process is able to remove the bulk of these minerals, leaving traces which are within the allowable limits in the Drinking Water Quality Standards (WQ1). Our final stage of treatment is disinfection by chlorination after the filter. When the traces of iron and manganese come in contact with chlorine and the dissolved oxygen in the water, they form insoluble compounds which precipitate out and normally adhere to the inner wall of the pipes. The deposits may be dislodged and give the nuisance appearance under the following circumstances.
o Change of pressure in the system due to sudden high demand.
o Surge of water flow when valves which were closed to repair leaking or bust pipes are reopened.
6. Water at ‘dead end’ of pipelines. Refer WQ4.
(Source: Sibu Water Board, 13 May 2020)
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