Category FAQs Search : Mental Health
Question: Mental Health Promotion: An Evidence Base?
Answer: Mental health is a leading priority for the National Health Service in Scotland. For some time, mental health has been gaining in importance in the national policy agenda and the recent White Paper on public health, Towards a Healthier Scotland (SODOH, 1999), clearly identified the vital significance mental health holds for Scottish society. Although this document recognises the value of the enhancement of mental health for the general population, it combines this with the desire for improvements in service provision and rehabilitation for people with mental health disorders. Progress in service provision (defined as an increase in financial resources and the development of appropriate policy support networks) was reported at a recent summit meeting of key stakeholders convened by the Scottish Executive. The enhancement or promotion of mental health is being advanced through less direct routes in the wider policy agenda such as the social inclusion and community development agenda and specific health initiatives such as the Starting Well Health Demonstration Project. As a result, the potential efficacy of mental health promotion, as a field of practice, is less well recognised. Part of the reason for the lack of recognition currently experienced within the field is the lack of understanding among policy makers and practitioners in mental health services regarding the evidence base for effectiveness in mental health promotion. This paper will attempt to define the field of mental health promotion, will describe the current evidence base and will consider implications for the mental health agenda available through mental health promotion.
(Source: , 17 Nov 2020)
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