Category FAQs Search : Sustainable

Question: Environmental Stewardship (Sustainable Agriculture)

Answer: Stewardship is a familiar concept to farmers. For many, this is what comes to mind when they think of sustainable agriculture. Environmental stewardship uses ecologically sound practices that have a neutral or positive impact on the natural and non-renewable resources used on-farm. It can mean reversing damage that has already occurred, such as soil erosion or draining of wetlands. It can also be enhanced by taking steps to prevent the future degradation of land and water resources through conservation practices such as:

- naturalizing riparian zones
- using smart cattle-watering practices
- establishing proper cover crops

These practices have a direct impact on the cost of production and the economic profitability components of sustainable agriculture.

Another key to successful environmental stewardship lies in soil health. Maintaining adequate organic matter, biological activity and nutrient balance in your soil will help feed your crops over the long term, reducing or eliminating the need for synthetic fertilizers.

There are many ways to enhance soil fertility and improve soil health, such as including legumes in crop rotation, using manure or compost instead of and/or in complement to synthetic fertilizers, and maintaining a working knowledge of the fertility of the fields so as to properly manage them.

Other stewardship concepts include:

- protecting water quality
- establishing year-round soil cover (residue or cover crop)
- integrating crop and animal systems to maximize efficiencies, nutrients and energy
- controlling invasive plants

Some traditional practices conflict with sustainable practices, because they severely damage the soil structure and ability of a field to adapt to extreme weather events, climate change and the stresses of intensive crop production.

All practices, new and traditional, must be considered when implementing sustainable farming practices.

(Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 19 Mar 2021)

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