Category FAQs Search : Automotive

Question: What are the inner parts of an electrical vehicle?

Answer: EVs have 90% less moving parts that an ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) car. Here's a breakdown of the parts that keep an EV moving:

Electric Engine/Motor - Provides power to rotate the wheels. It can be DC/AC type, however, AC motors are more common.
Inverter - Converts the electric current in the form of Direct Current (DC) into Alternating Current (AC)
Drivetrain - EVs have a single-speed transmission which sends power from the motor to the wheels.
Batteries - Store the electricity required to run an EV. The higher the kW of the battery, the higher the range.
Charging - Plug into an outlet or EV charging point to charge your battery.

(Source: edf Energy, 15 Apr 2021)

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