Category FAQs Search : Housing Development in Malaysia/Sarawak

Question: Equitable Distribution of Low-Cost Houses in Malaysia: Constraints and Challenges

Answer: The government policies on low-cost housing have transpired from
various Malaysian Plans. According to the Tenth Malaysia Plan,
continuous efforts will be put into ensuring Malaysian citizens from
all level of income to have opportunity to acquire houses that are
normally referred to as “adequate, affordable and good quality.” Since
issue of housing is more crucial in urban areas, greater emphasis is
placed on the low-income group for better urban services and healthy
living.(Government of Malaysia, 2010) A study on all Malaysian Plans
have shown that the government encourages the private sector to build
more low-cost houses and low-medium-cost houses. On the other
hand the public sector concentrates on providing houses for lower
income group and houses for public sector employees. Despite deep
involvement of both public and private sectors in providing low-cost
houses to the low-income group, there is still a problem of inadequate
supply of low-cost units. This article examine the Open Registration
System (“ORS”) established by the Ministry of Housing and Local
Government of Malaysia (“MHLG”) in registration of intended
purchasers and distribution of low-cost houses to the targeted groups
that is the low-income group, identify the constraints and challenges in
implementing the system and make suggestions for reforms in terms

(Source: Pustaka Negeri Sarawak, 09 Jun 2021)

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