Category FAQs Search : Libraries for the underserved

Question: The Role of Community Data in Helping Public Libraries Reach and Serve Underserved Communities

Answer: Public libraries have recognized that children and families in underserved communities, who often need their services the most, are not coming into the library due to a variety of barriers. To reach and serve these children and families, libraries have been taking their programs and services out into community locations to meet families where they are. To do this effectively libraries need to collect data on these community groups to better understand their needs. Project LOCAL, an IMLS-funded grant that explored how libraries are going out into their communities to reach and serve families in underserved communities, found that libraries are collecting community data from a variety of sources to understand the needs of their communities. Furthermore, the libraries are using this community need data in the planning and development of their programs and services offered to these families.

(Source: Pustaka Negeri Sarawak, 11 Jun 2021)

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