Category FAQs Search : Libraries for the underserved
Question: Reaching Underserved Patrons by Utilizing Community Partnerships
Answer: Regardless of the size of a library or the outreach budget, itcan be challenging to get the right message to the right pa-trons at the right time. It becomes even more difficult whenworking with a small staff, tight budget and a dispersed audi-ence. One way to increase the impact of outreach efforts isto build partnerships with community members who alreadyhave strong relationships with the patron group with whichlibraries would like to have a stronger connection. This ar-ticle will explore ways to identify potential partners; identifytheir training needs; design training for a new audience; andpromote your library as part of the training curriculum. Reallife examples from the Center for Disability Information andReferral (CeDIR) will be used to help illustrate practical ap-plications of the concepts discussed.
(Source: Pustaka Negeri Sarawak, 11 Jun 2021)
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