Category FAQs Search : Coral Reef Preservation
Question: Environmental policy and management in Barbados
Answer: Considers the inclusion of environmental policy dimensions into strategic development planning for the coastal environment of Barbados. Coastal zone management forms one aspect of development planning in Barbados, focusing on strategic development planning within the coastal environment. The environment and development are closely linked in a complex cause and effect relationship. Almost all types of development tend to erode a country’s resource base and this can undermine a country’s development strategies. Development continues to be seen and practised in the narrow context of growth; and little substantive progress has been made over time in explicitly integrating the environmental dimension into the regular programmes and activities of public and private sector organizations. One of the recurring features is that, in contemporary Barbados, environmental policies tend to muddle through and evolve incrementally as the need arises. Concludes that a durable development lesson for all lower income countries around the world is that development cannot be sustained for long if the environment continues to be undermined.
(Source: , 30 Jun 2021)
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