Category FAQs Search : Green Library Movement

Question: Green Libraries Coming Up! National and international initiatives fostering environmental sustainable libraries and library services

Answer: The paper will give an overview of worldwide international and national initiatives for “Greening
Libraries” in order to draw attention and to raise awareness to both public as well as scholarly libraries to take
a clear stand and create a visible green image for the library as an important part of their social responsibility.
The paper will promote the idea that the mission of libraries should include the taking on of a leading role in
teaching environmental responsibility to the public. Because a “green” image is a good image libraries should
use their way of “going green” to promote a powerful green image towards their stakeholders, customers and
sponsors. The upcoming LIS future generation should be encouraged to spread the “Green library movement” in
their home libraries, their home library associations and their home countries.

(Source: Pustaka Negeri Sarawak, 26 Jul 2021)

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