Category FAQs Search : Organic Livestock Farming


Answer: The agricultural practice has changed quite a lot in recent decades. The production has been intensified due
to a grown investment of production. Simultaneously there arose problems likethe increasing pollution of natural
ressources. A growing mind-expansion towards the protection of environement and health can be noticed.
There are opinions against the excessive application of pesticides and drugs as well as against the overdressing.
These opinions and the unsatisfactory income complicate the farm management.The organic farming tries to correspond
ta objectives of the grassroots. By the renunciation of certain means of production and by the reorganization of the technique
the environment is relieved, and a foodstuff of less harmfull substances can be produced. In return the biologically cropping
farmers attend higher prices for their products. The following article is going to treat at first sorne economic aspects of the organic
farming. On the base of two existing farms the profitability will be discussed. In the second half of the article the fullfillment
of aims concerning the protection of water by the organic farming will be scrutinized.

(Source: , 17 Aug 2021)

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