Category FAQs Search : Ocean Noise Pollution

Question: Noise as a source of marine pollution

Answer: The increased consumption of fossil fuels which are the basis of modern technological developmentand its inability of sustainability on known sources and resources causes an increase effort toinvestigate new feeds. Although the researches are conducting on the land area (lithosphere), inthe last years, they are, globally speaking, particularly focused on the seabed, where the AdriaticSea is no exception, what we can witness today. Seismic tests, using ‘air guns’, are just one of theanthropologically caused marine pollutant. The aim of this paper is to examine and analyse the causesof marine pollution by noise in order to achieve better understanding, awareness of the general publicabout its impact through recognition of the effects, and finally, to synthesize protection options toprevent further pollution of the Adriati Sea, strategically significant for the Republic of Croatia.

(Source: , 20 Aug 2021)

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