Category FAQs Search : Carbon Footprint
Question: Using a class to conduct a carbon inventory: A case study with practical results at Macalester College
Answer: Purpose
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the practical realities of using a college seminar to fulfill the carbon audit requirement for signatories to the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) and presents evidence of this approach's advantages as an educational and practical tool.
The paper reviews the course structure and presents research findings, based on student questionnaires on student learning outcomes.
Structuring a course around a campus carbon audit has unique educational advantages for students and practical advantages for ACUPCC signatory campuses.
This paper enumerates the concrete advantages to using a college class to conduct a greenhouse gas emissions inventory and provides evidence of valuable learning outcomes for students in such a class.
(Source: , 25 Aug 2021)
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