Category FAQs Search : Freshwater Aquaculture


Answer: Fish is an important food component for populations of many countries, especially in
developing areas. For food fish, over a quarter of total world supply is derived from
aquaculture and contribution of the latter increases quickly. Several types of fish culture
can be distinguished, according to their degree of intensification, or depending on the
fish feeding: mostly natural food or exogenous high protein feed. Pros and constraints of
each type are reviewed, but pond production remains the most used as it permits a
multipurpose production (fry, fingerlings, adults) with a wide spectrum of utilization
(from extensive to hyper-intensive). The main cultivated freshwater species belong to
carps (Indian and Chinese carps) and tilapia. Their biological characteristics are
reviewed. Management and improvement of environmental factors can achieve fish
reproduction in captivity, but most frequently, it is done using hormonal treatment:
pituitary extracts, gonadotropin or GNRH with or without antagonists-inhibitors.

(Source: , 06 Sep 2021)

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