Category FAQs Search : Urban Farming

Question: Ecological and Urban Agriculture

Answer: The 20th century saw the rapid growth of industrial agriculture—a model of farming characterized by specialization, mechanization, a heavy reliance on chemical and pharmaceutical inputs, and a shift toward fewer and larger farms. In many countries, including the U.S., the industrial model has become the dominant one.

Partly in response to the health and ecological problems of industrial agriculture, a growing movement of farmers have adopted alternative approaches to producing food. These go by many names, such as sustainable, ecological, and organic. The approaches often overlap, and in some cases borrow ideas from the industrial model. These approaches are hardly new; principles of agroecology were developed over thousands of years. Farmers are revisiting and refining these approaches based on new insights, new technology, and new challenges, such as climate change.

(Source: , 23 Sep 2021)

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