Category FAQs Search : Urban Farming
Question: Seeking Effective Agri-Tecture: An Urban Farm Design That Nourishes a Food Desert
Answer: xii
A fundamental need of human culture is to eat, and therefore to have food available to its
citizens. Unfortunately, agricultural and distribution practices have reduced many communities to “food
deserts” where healthy, fulfilling food is scarce (Walker, 2012). Present agricultural methods that evolved
from the Industrial Revolution consume copious amounts of fossil fuels from planting to shipping
operations, only to generate interminable amounts of unhealthy processed foods. Current industrial
farming methods used have had unintended consequences on public health, local economies, and
substantial negative impacts of the earth’s ecosystems (Despommier, 2010).
Many agree that present food distribution channels and farm-to-fork methods require an overhaul
in order to preserve limited natural resources for future generations. The future may be the concept of the
urban farm. Food distribution channels and procedures are central to the success of this new idea and
therefore serve as the main focus of this study. With an effective distribution process, harvested food from
vertical farms allows opportunities for food related stakeholders to invest their business operations within
the facility’s campus and continue to thrive and serve their customers. The purpose of the study was to
discover how the built environment could support a new food distribution system that increases access to
healthy food.
(Source: , 28 Sep 2021)
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