Category FAQs Search : Pelancongan & Kebudayaan

Question: Why Gua Niah is famous?

Answer: Niah National Park is one of Sarawak’s smallest national parks, it is certainly one of the most important and unusual attractions to visitors. What is most interesting about Niah is that one of the main claims to fame is the birthplace of civilization in the region. The oldest modern human remains in Southeast Asia along with many other relics of prehistoric man were discovered about 40,000 years ago, making the park one of the most important archaeological sites in the world.The park has a size of 3,138 hectares of forest and limestone karst areas. It was first gazetted as a National Historic Monument in 1958 and on 23 November 1974 was gazetted as National Park and open to the public on 1 January 1975.

(Source: NIAH NATIONAL PARK : Beyond Archeological, Historical and Cave, 11 Jul 2024)

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