Category FAQs Search : Treasury Internal Audit Unit (ADP)

Question: Why are audit issues frequently repeated?

Answer: The intention of Audit issues raised either by Internal Audit or National Audit Department are to assist the controlling officers become aware of such shortcomings, to act fast and do their best to prevent such recurrences. But such shortcomings continue to remain the same, year after year and seems not to learn from past mistakes. The truth is that although audit findings are basically the same but the Ministries/Departments being audited are different each year.
Another reason is that each audit is based on different representative samplings. The lack of competency and negligence of duty in the work of public servants entrusted also contribute to the recurrence of audit issues. Lack of internal controls and staff supervision too has added the repetition of such shortcomings. The most important
thing is to learn from past mistakes and the mistake of others, correct the mistakes and rectify the shortcomings and ensure they are not being repeated.

(Source: Official Portal of Ministry of Finance, 21 Feb 2025)

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