Home Browse Category Corporate Services Category FAQs Search : Corporate Services # Question 41 How does an interested individual participate in the public programs that Pustaka conducts? 42 How does Pustaka deal with cases of staff misconduct or discipline while they are at work or outside work? 43 I am interested to participate in your garden activities. How can I contribute? 44 I am interested to volunteer in Pustaka’s activities/event. Whom do I notify? 45 I am interested to work in Pustaka. Please advise. 46 I would like to donate some park features e.g. benches, rubbish bins, equipment for the playground, etc. Who do I contact? 47 Is Pustaka allowed to receive donation, gift, grant, etc? 48 Is the public allowed to use Pustaka Park for a public event? Is there any fee imposed? 49 Pernahkah Pustaka Negeri Sarawak menerima sebarang anugerah di peringkat antarabangsa? 50 Pustaka Negeri Sarawak terletak di bawah Kementerian mana? previous123456next