Home Browse Category Mental Health Category FAQs Search : Mental Health # Question 101 Shifting culture and taking action to reduce smoking and premature death among people with a mental health condition 102 Shifting culture and taking action to reduce smoking and premature death among people with a mental health condition. 103 Simulation training for police and ambulance services to improve mental health practice 104 Stigma on mental illness in the Arab world: beyond the socio-cultural barriers 105 Still worlds apart: flourishing in people with mental health problems 106 Students ' understandings of mental health and their preferred learning platforms 107 Supporting Governments to Adopt Mental Health Policies 108 Supporting people with mental health problems to quit smoking 109 Systemic Racism: Big, Black, Mad and Dangerous in the Criminal Justice System 110 The health impact of policy interventions tackling the social determinants of common mental disorder: a systematic review previous12...101112...1415next