Browse Category: Tax Division (TAX)

Category FAQs Search : Tax Division (TAX)

# Question


(Import/Export Duty Exemption) Can a company apply for an export duties exemption on manufacturing waste (scrap)?


(Import/Export Duty Exemption) Can a company apply for import duty and sales tax exemption on machinery/equipment not used directly in the production activities of the company?


(Import/Export Duty Exemption) Can a company obtain import duty/sales tax exemption for subcontract work overseas?


(Import/Export Duty Exemption) Can a LMW/FIZ status company obtain import duty exemption on the sale of completed products to the Principal Customs Area (PCA)?


(Incentive to Purchase/Import Cars Under The MM2H Programme) Can a car be that has been exempted from duty/tax be registered under the name of the applicant's wife who is a citizen of Malaysia?


(Incentive to Purchase/Import Cars Under The MM2H Programme) Can a car that has been approved for exemption of duty/tax be sold/change of ownership?


(Incentive to Purchase/Import Cars Under The MM2H Programme) I am a Korean citizen and has been living in Korea, can I import a new car purchased in Germany?


(Incentive to Purchase/Import Cars Under The MM2H Programme) I am an Australian citizen but has long been residing in Hong Kong. Can I import a car that has been used in Hong Kong and are there any additional documents required?


(Incentive to Purchase/Import Cars Under The MM2H Programme) I have been approved a MM2H visa, can I import a new car purchased from any country?


(Incentive to Purchase/Import Cars Under The MM2H Programme) I, my wife and our two children visas have been approved under the MM2H program, can my wife and I make separate applications to enable us to have two cars under this incentive?