Home Browse Category Bibliotherapy Category FAQs Search : Bibliotherapy # Question 1 A biblioguidance approach to understanding and developing adolescents' social-emotional competence in the health education classroom: a formative research study 2 A biblioguidance approach to understanding and developing adolescents' social-emotional competence in the health education classroom: a formative research study 3 A literature-based intervention for women prisoners: preliminary findings 4 American Housewifery, Part 1 5 American Housewifery, Part 2 6 An investigation of the effectiveness of the “similar pages” feature of Google 7 Are acceptance and commitment therapy-based interventions effective for reducing burnout in direct-care staff? A systematic review and meta-analysis 8 Can Bibliotherapy Go Public? 9 Compiling Your Own Bibliography 10 Emerging public librarian roles and skills: A literature review previous123next