Integrity Unit

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The establishment of the Pustaka Negeri Sarawak Integrity Unit was approved in the Sector Heads Meeting on 8 May 2019 as required under the Pekeliling Perkhidmatan 2013 and Arahan Perdana Menteri No.1 Tahun 2018.

The Integrity Committee was established to process the 6 core functions of the Integrity Unit :

  1. Governance (Tadbir Urus)- Ensure the best governance is implemented;

  2. Strengthening Integrity (Pengukuhan Integriti)- Ensuring culturalization, institutionalization and implementation of integrity in the organization;

  3. Detection and Verification (Pengesanan & Pengesahan)- Detects and confirms complaints of misconduct crimes as well as violations of the organization's code of conduct and ethics as well as appropriate follow -up action taken; and Reporting criminal misconduct to relevant enforcement agencies;

  4. Complaint Management (Pengurusan Aduan)- Receive and take action on all complaints / information on criminal misconduct and breaches of the code of conduct and organizational ethics;

  5. Compliance (Pematuhan)- Ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations; and

  6. Disciplinary (Tatatertib)- Performs the secretarial function of the Disciplinary Board
  • The officers appointed consist of officers who are involved in major matters in Pustaka Negeri Sarawak. The Committee strives to achieve the objective of promoting a culture of integrity practiced in Pustaka and all campuses.


Head, Integrity Unit :


  1. Laurena Anak Aloh
  2. Norafiqah Nabilah Binti Julaihi
  3. Ammie Syarina Mohd Jelani
  4. Anita Haji Hamdan
  5. Jassalini Jamain
  6. Aida Suraya Yaseer Binti Samson
  7. Azriana Enna Binti Bong

New Members(2020-2021)

  1. Mohamad Aizat Bin Ajis
  2. Patrick Anak Sidi
  3. Affendi Bin Iezara
  4. Mohd Asraf Bin Abdul Wahab


Term of Reference

1.Promoting integrity practices
2. Implement the 6 core functions of the Integrity Unit
3. Implement an Integrity Day
4. Keep integrity records
5. Submit integrity issues to the Jawatankuasa Anti Rasuah Pustaka

Frequency of Meetings and Quorums

Meetings are held at least twice (2) a year or as required.

Attendance of the meeting is the Chairman i.e. Celo (compulsory) with at least 50% attendance of committee members.

The location of the meeting is at Pustaka (first meeting every year) and the second meeting at any Sarawak State Library campus