Sarawak Library Journal

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First volume of the Sarawak Library Journal

The idea of having an open access online journal has been mulled over for quite a while but it has only taken off recently. Because the Sarawak State Library has been in operation since year 2000 we now feel that the time is right to start our own journal to encourage professionals and practitioners particularly from the region to document their findings and share their expertise, speciality and work experiences.

Our aim is to create a journal that is expert – reviewed for librarians, information professionals, archivists and record managers, researchers or any person interested in keeping up to date with issues and development, professional practices and research in the field of library and archive. It is also our intention that every issue of the Sarawak Library Journal will carry an article specifically on Sarawak based on or relating to our Sarawakiana collection. This we hope will be of interest to readers.

Sarawak Library Journal is a multi-disciplinary, refereed journal published annually by Pustaka Negeri Sarawak. We welcome original manuscripts on subjects relevant to Sarawak. Targeted fields of knowledge include information management (libraries, knowledge management, archives and records), anthropology, history, geography, sociology, economics and other social sciences and humanities disciplines.

We have a special interest in papers dealing with current scientific and epistemological issues, as well as scholarly articles which provide fresh and insightful responses to the intellectual and cultural challenges of the modern world.

We have a special interest in papers dealing with current scientific and epistemological issues, as well as scholarly articles which provide fresh and insightful responses to the intellectual and cultural challenges of the modern world.


a) As a platform for library and archive professionals and practitioners, especially those from Sarawak, to contribute and share experiences, ideas and insights
b) To inform the library and archive communities of practices on current developments and trends in knowledge management, library, records and archives
c) To promote research on key areas within the cultural, social, historical and educational context of Sarawak
d) A platform for knowledge dissemination on or about Sarawak and Sarawakian scholarly works


  1. Articles on a wide range of subjects and issues pertaining to information management (libraries, knowledge management, archives and records)
  2. History, sociology, anthropology, economics and other social science and humanities disciplines.
  3. Studies that elaborate scientific and epistemological problems encountered by Sarawak and Sarawakians currently, scholarly works that provide fresh and insightful responses to the intellectual and cultural challenges of the modern world.
  4. Book reviews and notes will also be considered .

Frequency of Publication

Sarawak Library Journal is published once a year and the number of articles per issue will depend on the number of articles received.

Editorial Team