Sarawakiana Exhibition

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Pustaka is always intensifying efforts towards the preservation and conservation of indigenous knowledge, culture and Sarawak’s history. One of our regular program is Sarawakiana Exhibition, designed to showcase Sarawakiana collections to the general public.


1. To create greater public awareness of and promote the culture and heritage of Sarawak to prevent them from becoming extinct; and
2. To serve as a rich and coherent intellectual resource about Sarawak.

Procedure in Preparing Sarawakiana Exhibtion

1. Pre-approval

  • Head of Unit to select one theme or topic related to Sarawak for quarterly exhibition and prepare the proposal to submit and get approval by Division Head.
  • Once had been approved, Designated Officer (DO) to list out items under Sarawakiana Collection (from Pustaka Negeri Sarawak to State Records Repository) related to the theme.
  • DO to submit suggestion of exhibited items to Head of Unit for approval.

Once approved, the DO shall :

  • Prepare poster and press release or write-up information for the exhibition for promotion purpose.
  • Prepare label and tagging for all exhibited items (title, artist/author, year, etc).
  • Transport preparation from State Records Repositori to Pustaka Negeri Sarawak to State Records Repository (if required). Ensure condition of the items are being properly wrapped before moving (if any) and recorded in logbook (if any).
  • Exhibit the items and labelled accordingly.
  • Prepared the BSC forms for visitor to comments.

2. During Exhibition

  • On-going promotions of exhibition every month.
  1. The filled BSC forms to be collected in a weekly basis. (if any)

3. Post-Exhibition

  1. Keep item labels and taggings for future use
  2. Ensure HQ items being properly kept in original location
  3. Ensure SRR items being properly wrapped before moving (if any)
  4. Ensure return of SRR items being recorded in logbook (if any)
  5. Inform number of total visitors (with pictures) to Head of Unit via email
  6. Compile and submit the filled BSC forms to Head of Unit (if any)