Roles of Librarian Assistant, S19 (Miri)

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a) to catalog library materials

1. Check status of the books or other materials using ISBN number in Angkasa System through Bibligraphy editir option.
2. Make sure the books have the Bibliography number in the status 'ACQ" or "CC".
3. For the books that have "CC" status, it need to insert in "add in" option and the call number of the books need to be fill in the given form then put on the process table.
4. For the books that have "ACQ" status, can check either that book have the CIP in the "verso title page". If any, can copy the information to the provided bibliography. After finish, put the form in process table.
5. For the book that does not have CIP, the next process is to search information of the books in database. Complete information can be import to the Angkasa System.
6.Method to import is information in the databases can be "save as" and name it according to given title. Then, search it through Marc import. After that, import that data and from there the new bibliography number will appear.
7. Take the biblipgraphy number and research again in the bibliography editor. Edit the import data. Correction can be do in that bibliography through authority editor option. After that, change the book status form "import" to "in process".
8. Make sure the old bibliography number delete before submit to process table.
9.The books must have call number using the standard DDC (Dewey Decimal Classfication)and RDA (Resource Description & Access).
10. The books need to catalog for the "item" option. Key in the bar code using the barcode reader and insert call number in the given space.
11. The material will be categories according to their collection and the status need to be change to "available".
12. All the materials will send to process table to do call numbeR and RFID.
13. After finish, material will be send to the given location to Children Infotheque or Information Resource Centre.