Inter Library Loan Services

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Inter Library loan (ILL) Service is the loan of materials between libraries and organisations. It can include the delivery of books and serials between libraries and organisations. Pustaka Negeri Sarawak allows institutions to borrow Open Collections excepts Legal Deposit Collections, Sarawakiana Collections and Reference Collections for their organisation's use, subject to prevailing guidelines.

The inter library loans services offered to registered members and for any request on ILL services, please approach the counter service at Pustaka Negeri Sarawak.



This procedure is established and maintained to ensure that the Interlibrary Loan Services (ILL) is done systematically and in accordance with the approved procedure to support the Quality Management System.


This procedure applies to handle the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Services done by Pustaka Negeri Sarawak (PUSTAKA) which includes:

a)Request from and supply of library materials by registered members of PUSTAKA.
b)Request and supply of library materials from third parties.

1.0 Receipt of Request for Library Materials

1.1 Upon receipt of request from registered member for library materials in other library, proceed to Section 2.0.

1.2 Upon receipt of request from third parties for library materials in PUSTAKA proceed to Section 8.0.

2.0 Handling of Request

2.1 Upon receipt of request, the Librarian Assistant (LA) or Designated Officer (DO) shall then ask the user whether or not he is a registered member of PUSTAKA.

2.1.1 If the user is a registered member, proceed to Section 2.2.
2.1.2 If the user is not a member yet, the LA or DO shall advise the user to register as a member. If the user refuses to register, the process ends here. Refer to procedure QP-IS-01 – Membership Management.

2.2 The LA or DO shall verify the membership status of the user through the Member Management Module, Library Management System (ANGKA.SA2) before any transaction can be made. Verification of membership status can be done by using the user’s valid official identification.

2.2.1 If the user’s membership has expired, the LA or DO shall advise the user to renew his or her membership. Refer to procedure QP-IS-01 – Membership Management.
2.2.2 If the user’s membership has been deactivated due to outstanding amount of fines or expiry of his membership, the LA or DO shall advise the user to settle all his outstanding fines to reactivate his membership. The LA or DO shall collect payment of fines from the user, reactivates his membership via Member Management Module, ANGKA.SA2 and issues receipt.

2.3 Upon completing the verification of member, the LA or DO shall brief the user on the terms and conditions of ILL Services.

2.3.1 If the user agrees, the LA or DO shall then ask the user to complete the Borang Perjanjian Pembekalan Bahan antara Perpustakaan (BPPBP).
2.3.2I f the user disagrees, the process ends here.

3.0 Contacting the Supplying Organizations

3.1 Upon receiving the complete BPPBP, the LA or DO shall contact the supplying organization via e-mail and telephone to inquire about the availability of the requested library materials within three (3) working days.

3.1.1 If the library materials are available and the supplying organizations are able to supply the library materials, the LA or DO shall submit a written official request to borrow the library materials.
3.1.2 If the supplying organizations is not able to supply the library materials, the LA or DO shall inform the user accordingly via face to face conversation or telephone or email.

4.0 Agreement to Supply

4.1 The LA or DO shall inform the user about the availability of the library materials via any of the following channels:

c.Short Messaging Service (SMS)

5.0 Receipt of Library Materials from Supplying Organizations

5.1 Upon receipt the library materials, the LA or DO shall check the physical condition of the library materials and counter confirm the physical condition with the supplying organization.

6.0 Delivery of Library Materials to Registered Member

6.1 Upon receiving the library materials, the LA or DO shall inform the user via email or telephone or Short Messaging Service (SMS) to collect the library materials from PUSTAKA.

6.2 Prior to collection of the library materials, the user shall be requested to pay the processing fees for the services rendered.

6.3 Upon collection of the processing fees, the LA or DO shall issue the user with an official receipt.

7.0 Receipt of Borrowed Library Materials from Registered Members

7.1 Upon receipt of borrowed library materials from registered members, the LA or other DO shall check the physical condition of the library materials.

7.1.1 If the library materials are in good physical condition, the LA or other DO shall return the library materials to the supplying organization. The LA or DO shall then complete the BPPBP.
7.1.2 If the library materials are damaged, the user shall be advised to pay for the cost of the damaged materials.

8.0 Handling of Request from Third Parties

8.1 Upon receipt of request from third parties, the LA or DO shall check the availability of the library materials in OPAC Module, ANGKA.SA2.

8.1.1 If the library materials are not available, the LA or DO shall inform the requesting organizations to cancel the request.
8.1.2 If the library materials are available, the LA or DO shall send the library materials together with letter of undertaking to requesting organizations.

9.0 Receipt of Borrowed Library Materials from Third Parties

9.1 Upon receipt of borrowed library materials from third parties, the LA or DO shall check the physical condition of the library materials.

9.1.1 If the library materials are damaged, the LA or DO shall request the requesting organizations to bear the incurred cost.

10.0 Control of Documented Information

10.1 After the establishment of the Borang Perjanjian Pembekalan Bahan antara Perpustakaan (BPPBP), the LA or DO shall place the documents in the Inter Library Loan File and keep the file in the Information Services Division.

10.2 Documented information generated as a result the management of Inter Library Loan shall be retained for one (1) years period from the date of its creations.

i.Borang Perjanjian Pembekalan Bahan antara Perpustakaan (BPPBP)

11.0 Disposal of Documented Information

11.1 Documented information generated as a result of Inter Library Loan shall be disposed in accordance with Sarawak State Government records management regulations and practice.

a) Borang Perjanjian Pembekalan Bahan antara Perpustakaan (BPPBP)


  • GL-IS-01 Handling of Services Rating Form.
  • GL-IS-02 Extension of Borrowing Period.
  • GL-IS-03 Determine The Category Damaged Library Materials


  • FRM-IS-01 Borang Penilaian Perkhidmatan Service Rating Form
  • FRM-IS-03 Borang Perjanjian Perkhidmatan Pembekalan Bahan Antara Perpustakaan (BPPPBP)
