Management of Valuable Public Records (Administrative records)

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Appraisal of records is a process determination of retentive values and disposal time of records based on their administrative, audit, fiscal, historical, legal or operational value to the organizations where they created or received. Public Records Appraisal needs to be carried out by the departments and agencies that wish to transfer and dispose the records. Application letters and records transfer lists are required to be sent to Pustaka Negeri Sarawak.

The process to conduct appraisal records are:

1.0 Processing of request from department

1.1 Based on the guidelines issued by Pustaka Negeri Sarawak, Borang Pemisahan Rekod FRM-RM-04 shall be used for any application for records disposal from government department/agency.
1.2 Upon receipt of application for records disposal, the respective officer shall reply with a letter to notify the department/agency on the application received.
1.3 Meanwhile, the submission of disposal application using others form shall be rejected and the department/agency are advice to resubmit

2.0 Check and appraise the listing

2.1 Upon receipt of Borang Pemisahan Rekod FRM-RM-04, the designated officer shall ensure the list is complete and follow the correct format.
2.2 Based on the Borang Pemisahan Rekodd FRM-RM-04, the designated officer shall ensure all the records are classified as open (Terbuka) and have reached 5 years after the file is closed (Fail Tutup).

3.0 Planning and preparation for physical records appraisal

3.1 Upon completion of the checking of Borang Pemisahan Rekod FRM-RM-04, designated officer shall contact the person in-charge of records from the department/agency.
3.2 Once the person in-charge has been contacted, designated officer shall issue a letter via post or fax to the department/agency to schedule for appointment which includes:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Name of person in-charge
  • Space and facilities to conduct appraisal

3.3 After the appointment has been scheduled, designated officer shall prepare item to bring during the appraisal process.

4.0 Conduct the physical records appraisal

4.1 Upon arrivals, designated officer shall brief the department/agency on the appraisal process.
4.2 After briefing session, conduct appraisal of records as listed in the Borang Pemisahan Rekod FRM-RM-04 according to the date, time and location as determined earlier.
4.4 Based on appraisal criteria, each file will be checked by 3 Librarians (S41 and above) or Assistant Librarians (S29) by referring with Jadual Pelupusan Rekod Am and give remarks at the Catatan column in the list (Borang Pemisahan Rekod FRM-RM-04), if applicable.
4.5 During appraisal process, Slip Penilaian Rekod will be attached on the file that has been checked with the recommended appraisal criteria.
4.6 Upon completion of appraisal process, records that have been appraised shall be segregated based on the following decision:

  • Retain in department/agency or;
  • Transfer to Pustaka Negeri Sarawak or;
  • Bulleted list item
  • Disposal.

4.7 Upon the completion of segregation of files, designated officer shall fill in the Laporan Ringkas Penilaian Rekod FRM-RM-05 and brief the department/agency on the outcomes of the appraisal work. The original copy of Laporan Ringkas Penilaian Rekod FRM-RM-05 will be given to the department/agency, and another copy will be kept by Pustaka.

5.0 Preparing physical appraisal report.

5.1 After the appraisal work completed, prepare and compile report of the appraisal according to the format and submit the hardcopy format to Head of Division for comments and endorsement.
5.2 After getting endorsement from Head of Division, the appraisal report shall be submitted via post or by hand to the department/agency on the records appraised with a letter signed by Head of Sector.
5.3 Meanwhile, records recommended for transfer to Pustaka Negeri Sarawak, shall refer to QP-AM-01: Transfer and Receiving of Public Records and Archives. Report on appraisal recommended for transfer will be handed over to Unit Pemindahan Rekod dan Arkib, Bahagian Pengurusan Arkib by Penerimaan Laporan Penilaian Rekod.