Reading Habits of Users of Pustaka

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This exploratory study was conducted in 2014 to identify the reading habits among users of the two reference libraries in the state of Sarawak. The study not only served to examine and identify the emerging needs of the library users, but also to propose strategies for optimizing the use of the library resources. Ong’s (2012) framework for five categories of readers was used as a basis for identifying reading habits among library users in this study. The five types of readers include avid, forced, marginal, reluctant, and non- readers. Primary data were collected from paper survey, online survey, and also interviews. A total of 416 paper surveys were completed. Additionally, 231 online surveys were collected from e-users. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with twelve library users at Pustaka Kuching and seven users at Pustaka Miri. Additionally, two group interviews were conducted with front line library staff members. One group interview was conducted at Pustaka Kuching and another one was carried out at Pustaka Miri. The findings reveal that many of the library users are forced readers with positive attitude towards reading.

In view of the positive attitude towards reading, these forced readers have the potential to be nurtured as avid readers. Pustaka libraries, as reference libraries in that State of Sarawak, can assume a more active role in “steering” the habits of these forced readers into the habits of avid readers. One of the strategies recommended is to initiate annual, semi-annual, or monthly calendar for community reading activities e.g. book club which can be organized in collaboration with other university or public libraries. In the effort to accommodate the emerging needs for fast and reliable internet, free wifi, leisure corner, and more power outlets in the library, it is essential for the management of Pustaka Negeri Sarawak to seek alternative funding to equip the library with up-to-date services, facilities, and amenities. Finally, three strategies recommended for optimizing the use of library resources include the elements of community engagement, library physical setting, and library services and technology.

Conclusion and Recommendations

From the findings, it was concluded that: a) Library users were mainly Malays and students.
b) Many of them are forced readers with a positive attitude towards reading.
c) Self-encouragement drives their reading habits.
d) Academic Books and Newspapers are among the commonly used library materials.
e) English is the preferred language, especially among E-users.
f) Reading hours between 2-5 hours per week i.e. between 13 to 20 books a year.
g) Library visits of Once or Twice a month.
h) Library as a space for doing homework & assignments.
i) A high percentage of zero borrowing.

In view of the positive attitude towards reading, these forced readers have the potential to be nurtured as avid readers. Pustaka Negeri Sarawak, as reference libraries in that State of Sarawak, can tap into the potential by playing a more active role in “converting” these forced readers to become avid readers so that these forced readers can “acquire the reading habit to lead a rich and meaningful life” (Abdul Rahman Deen, Borneo Post, 24 April 2015). When officiating the ‘Let’s Read Together for 10 Minutes’ program held at the State Library on April 23, 2015, Dr Abdul Rahman Deen, a member of the State Library’s board of management, encouraged participants to read more and visit nearby libraries (Borneo Post, 24 April 2015). He added that a good reading habit enables us to share a vision for a developed nation as without knowledge, the vision will not become a reality. In light of the reading habits among the studied participants, Pustaka as the State Library in Sarawak may play a leading role to win over these forced readers so that they will develop into avid readers by collaborating with other public libraries under the local authorities including with DBKU, BDA, and MBKS. As libraries of today are confronted with the need to master many different roles – some traditionally associated with libraries, some are not. That is a lot to handle and cope with, but when the local authorities work together with Pustaka, our libraries may become places that will anchor community life and bring people together. As a roadmap to success, these are few strategies that can be adopted by Pustaka Negeri Sarawak.

Community Engagement
One of the ways to inculcate the culture of good reading habits is for Pustaka Negeri Sarawak to function as an integral part of community engagement. Hence, it can become an ideal place to offer numerous events and support programs in collaboration with school reading activities e.g. the Nilam project, PT3 assignments, and Form Six research activities. In addition, Pustaka Negeri Sarawak can engage retirees as volunteers for library reading programs e.g. Book Club and knowledge sharing. Pustaka Negeri Sarawak not only needs to serve the diverse community of today, but also keeps pace with the global challenges of tomorrow. Therefore, it is essential for Pustaka Negeri Sarawak to continue and enhance their community outreach programs, assist with home libraries and book donations for community libraries.

Library Enviroment
Library users hope to see a more inviting ambiance in the library. The changing needs and desires of library users shall be considered by redesigning, reshaping, and retooling the function of library spaces (O'Neal, 2013). Not only the equipment, furniture, and layout must be functional and fit for a modern library in a high-tech age, but also, the interior must be aesthetically pleasing. An interior that is enhanced with functional and user-friendly layout e.g. cheerful colours and cosy ambiance can create experiences like memories, ideas, and emotions that will allow users to enjoy and continue to revisit the library. According to O'Neal (2013), library seating can also be built into the shelving and study areas. The children’s area can also be equipped with big and movable foam pieces for seating and play. Additionally, for the exterior, the entrance must promote and facilitate access to the library. There is a need to create a welcoming walkway to the main entrance of the Pustaka Kuching. The walkway to the entrance of the library should be inviting and offering easy access to the library.

Library Services and Technology
Users will always turn to the library if they know that the library can provide them with the services and technology they need. When the library is equipped with robust, high- speed, safe, reliable access to digital world, it will attract more patrons to the libraries. When people can bring their own smart phones, tablets, and notebooks, they will be more motivated to come to the library to use the unlimited high-speed internet. As reference libraries, Pustaka Negeri Sarawak can be a champion in providing excellent free internet services, state of the art computers with scanners and assistive technologies such as printers, fax, and copy machines. Patrons do not need to go to many different places for binding, scanning or even photocopying. The library can function as a one-stop center for library users. Finally, the management can revisit the library hours to accommodate the need for extra opening hours during examination weeks.

Availability of Full Research Report

The full report of this research is available at the Sarawakiana.