Acquisition of Printed Library Materials

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Acquisition of printed library materials is a process that normally deal with the procurement of book by the Technical Services Division of Pustaka Negeri Sarawak. This process covering the selection, ordering/purchasing, receiving, payment, cancellation and rejection of the acquired library material. These processes were also covered under the quality management systems (QMS) ISO 9001:2015 titled QP-TS-01 Acquisition of Library Materials.

Selection of library materials procure through approved supplier

This is a process of selecting book title for Pustaka's library collection through the approved list of book suppliers in Pustaka. The selection must meet certain criteria that has been outline in the collection development policy of Pustaka before any of the title can be purchased.

After receiving and completing compilation of catalogs/listings from supplier(s)/publishers , Superintending officer (SO) / designated officer (DO) may;
a) distribute to designated officer for selection; or
b) organize “Library Materials Selection Session” with designated officer in Pustaka; or
c) organize “Library Materials Selection Session” with designated subject specialist; or
d) organize “Library Materials Selection Session” with organisation/department ; or
e) organize “Library Materials Selection Session” with public; or
f) send catalogs/listing to known subject specialist; and / or
g) do the selection by the superintending officer.

Other method of selection may also be accomplished through direct selection of library materials in any of the following places/events: Warehouse
Individual collection

Upon receiving of selected catalogs/listings in lieu of the process in 1.1-1.2, the designated officer (DO) shall: a) Prepare listing to be uploaded in the Acquisition Module of the ANGKASA Library Management System.
b) Check duplication in the Acquisition Module of the ANGKASA Library Management System. Any duplication of data from the catalogues/listings with the data in Acquisition Module of the ANGKASA Library Management System shall not be included in the list.

Selection of online database
Refer to Subsciption of Online Database
Selection of serial materials
Refer to Purchase of Serials Materials

Purchase of library materials through tender

Purchase of Library Materials through Tender is a process of purchasing the library materials based on tender awarded to the suppliers. Superintending Officer (SO) or designated officer (DO) shall acquire the library materials from suppliers commission by Pustaka.
To purchase library materials, designated officer (DO) shall:
a) Create a maximum of 10 selected titles per Purchase Order (PO) in the ANGKASA Library Systems (Acquisition Module)
b) Print Purchase Order (PO)
c) Prepare cover letter for SO to sign
d) Keep the copy of cover letter and PO to registry
e) Enclosed (b) and (c) together to be sent to supplier by email or fax
Once the supplier received the PO, they shall response to supply the library materials within stipulated time as agreed in the tender contract.
If the order is cancel, refer to Cancellation of Library Materials procedure.

Receipt of Library Materials

Receipt of library materials through tender is a process of receiving the library materials based on tender awarded to the suppliers. Upon arrival of the library materials, the designated officer (DO) shall raise the Rekod Penerimaan Bahan Baru Dari Pembekal. The DO shall then acknowledge receipt of the library materials by completing the following details in the Rekod Penerimaan Bahan Baru Dari Pembekal:
a) Purchase Order Number
b) Delivery Order Number
c) Total number of item received
d) Date receipt
e)Supplier’s company stamp
f)Despatch details such as name and signature.

Note :
i. This sub process is only applicable in Pustaka Negeri Sarawak, Kuching.
Check Library Material physical condition:
a) Missing pages;
b) Misprints;
c) Loosebinding;and
d) Faultyproduct.

If there is any discrepancies or faulty item in the supply, notify the supplier. After inspecting perform the following:
a) Signed, stamp receipt on the Delivery Order
b) Return duplicate copy of Delivery Order to supplier
c) Make photocopy of the Delivery Order for record
d) Inform the supplier to submit Invoice for payment

Once invoice is received, check the Invoice against the Delivery Order and PO for the following information:
Date receipt
Supplier’s company stamp
Despatch details such as name and signature.

Note : i. This sub process is only applicable in Pustaka Negeri Sarawak, Kuching.Check Library Material physical condition:
a) Missing pages;
b) Misprints;
c) Loosebinding;and
d) Faultyproduct.

If there is any discrepancies or faulty item in the supply, notify the supplier. After inspecting perform the following:
a) Signed, stamp receipt on the Delivery Order
b) Return duplicate copy of Delivery Order to supplier
c) Make photocopy of the Delivery Order for record
d) Inform the supplier to submit Invoice for payment

Once invoice is received, check the Invoice against the Delivery Order and PO for the following information:
a) Invoice number
b) Invoice Date
c) PO number
d) Title
e) International Book Number (ISBN)
f) Quantity
g) Price, Currency and exchange rate, discount if any
h) Total amount

If there is any discrepancy in the invoice, notify the supplier and return the invoice. Repeat 5.6 after receiving the new invoice. If no discrepancy proceed to 5.8
After checking, perform the following:
a) Signed, stamp receipt date and Pustaka official stamp on the invoice
b) Return duplicate copy of the Invoice to the supplier
c) Make photocopy of the Invoice for record
d) Record each library material received in the Acquisition Module
of the ANGKASA Library Management System
e) Print the Transaction List
f) Prepare a payment slip and attach it with the Invoice, Delivery Order, Transaction List and PO
g) Get the Superintending Officer (SO) to sign the payment slip
h) Send the payment documents to the Finance Unit

Cancellation of Library Materials

Cancellation of Library Materials is a process of cancelling on unavailable library materilas request by supplier (s) based on Purchase Order listing.

Upon receiving letter of cancellation order from supplier. Check the justification for cancellation. As a guide, some of these reasons may be considered.
a) Not yet published
b) Out of print
c) Out of stock
d) Publication abandoned
e) Not for sale outside publication countries/no sale right
f) No response from publishers after the due date given Publication cancelled
g) Market restricted
h) Restrictive title
i) Delay in publication
If other than these reasons stated for cancellation, discreation and endorsement by Superintending Officer (SO) or Head, Technical Services Division (HOTSD) is allowable and in accordance with Purchasing of Goods and Services Procedure (QP-CM-12)
Response to supplier on the acceptance of cancellation request by writing. If cancellation is not accepted, response to supplier on the rejection of cancellation and to include penalty (if any) as agreed in the contract of supply and delivery.
a) Get Superintending Officer (SO) to sign the letter b) Keepthecopyoflettertoregistry
c) Sendthelettertosupplier

Record the cancellation of library materials in ANGKASA Library
Management System (Acquisition Module) refer to ANGKASA User Manual for Acquisition Module

Rejected Library Materials

Rejection of Library Materials is a process of rejecting library materials due to discrepancies and faulty items.
Library materials will be rejected due to the following:
Physical condition
a) missing pages
b) misprint
c) loose binding
d) faulty product
a) International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
b) Title

The DO shall notify the supplier through “Rejection of Library Material Form”. The rejected library materials shall be segregated at the trolley and labelled as Rejected Item.

Request for replacement if the supplier is able to replace the material.

Request for cancellation of order, if the supplier is unable to replace the material. Refer to 11.0 Cancellation of Library Materials.