Archival Records Management System

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The development and implementation of the Archival Records Management System (ARMS) were initiated in 2012 by Archives Management Division, Depository Services Sector.

Archival Records Management System or known as ARMS is a web based application which helps user to identify and locate archival materials. ARMS contain only information about location of the archival material and not the actual records. Having identified relevant material, a user would usually arrange to visit the repository concerned to consult the documents, or request further information or copies where such services are available. In addition, it also manages reservations as well as retrieval and return of items to or from repository.

The system can be access here: A tutorial video of how to use Archival Records Management System (ARMS) for reference service purposes can be view here

For more information, please contact our Reference Librarian at State Records Repository , at 082-440484 / 019 - 882 6966 (office hours ONLY) or e-mail to


Due to the evolvement of new business processes requires that ARMS be further enhanced and improved. Pustaka Negeri Sarawak has engaged Sarawak Information Systems (SAINS) to study the enhancement of Archival Records Management System (ARMS) for Pustaka Negeri Sarawak in 2018. The enhancement to the system divide into two (2) phase:

The Phase 1 (2018-2020) focuses on improving the quality of the records catalogue system using international archival catalogue standard of ISAD (G) and ISAAR (CPF) and semi-automate and track the current business processes for Transfer and Disposal and Reference Service.

a) First Phase: 2018 - 2020
    * Development of Transfer and Disposal Module
* Development of Receiving Module
* Development of Agency Dashboard
* Enhancement to the Accession Module
* Enhancement to the Reference Service Module Part 1

The Phase 2 (2021-2023) will focus on module relate to member management, storage management and preservation and conservation management for archival materials.

b) Second Phase: 2021 - 2023
    * Development of User Management and Billing Management Module
* Development of Circulation Management Module (for department ONLY)
* Enhancement to the Reference Service Module Part 2
* Enhancement to the Location Management Module
* Enhancement to the Personal Page Dashboard
* Enhancement to the Preservation Module
* Enhancement to Fumigation Module

Justification for enhancement

1. The evolvement of new business processes requires that ARMS be further enhanced and improved. This will greatly improve office efficiency and delivery of services.

2. This system targets improvement in efficiency and effectiveness within State Records Repository, Pustaka Negeri Sarawak (SRR) as well as information communication to its Researcher and Focal Persons and provides a more systematic approach in the service delivery in a timely manner.

3. The need to enhance the quality and standardize the contact points experience with the researchers and other users of the collections in ARMS. Some examples of these contact points (but not limited to) are item circulation controls, visitor attendance logs, and billing service tracking.