ESarawak Library Journal Editorial Board - Term of Reference (TOR)

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The eSarawak Library Journal is a publication channel for researchers and professionals to publish their works in library science, records management, archives management and knowledge management in Sarawak.


The volunteer Editorial Board will provide scientific and scholarly input, oversight, contacts, and support to the Sarawak Library Journal Publication.


1.The Editorial Board Membership is made up of a minimum of 10 individuals as follows:

a.Editorial board
i.One advisor
ii.One chief editor
iii.Five editors
b.Secretariat – three to five members

2.The members of the editorial board are individuals who possess subject expertise across the spectrum of the publications aims and scope.

3.The Editorial Board is chaired by the Editor(s)-in-Chief and Members are appointed by the Editor(s)-in-Chief for a two-year renewable term.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Editorial Board will preserve and enhance the publications reputation as a trusted source of high-quality scientific information, including:

  1. Ensuring the regular and timely publications of the journal to extend knowledge, improve practices and facilitate communication in the field of library science, records management,archive management and knowledge management.
  2. Ensuring that submissions to eSLJ are dealt with fairly and objectively.
  3. Screening submissions for publication.
  4. Ensuring that each paper is reviewed by peers in line with guidelines.
  5. Monitoring the quality of submissions and proposing measures for improvement.
  6. Maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of the authors’ work while it is being reviewed and prepared for publication.
  7. Identifying and inviting peer reviewers.
  8. Communicating with authors pertaining to their submissions and their feedback.

The secretariat will assist the management and publication of eSLJ by:

  1. Managing papers for publication: Conducting plagiarism check and communicating with authors and reviewers in line with guidelines from the Editorial Board, communicating with publishing agents and any other parties involved.
  2. Promoting the journal within the department by e-blasting and other agencies by registering, subscribing, and tracking with search engines and journal links such as google scholar, Mycite and others.
  3. Tracking and maintaining renewal of publication contracts, subscriptions, and licenses. Keep in record all contracts, licenses, subscriptions with respect to terms, conditions, usernames, and passwords.
  4. Distributing and making available all published journals and papers in soft copies, according to the designated list as advised by the Editorial Board.
  5. Monitoring appearance, content and navigation engine of websites carrying the journal or links to it. Reports of website traffic and accesses are to be kept on a frequency determined by the Editorial Board for analysis to better understand the needs and expectations of the audience.
  6. Evaluate performance of the journal by monitoring the citation metrics and usage statistics.


1.Frequency of Meetings:

a.The editorial board will be convened at least two times per year, with additional communications carried out electronically as far as possible.
b.The Chairperson may convene additional meetings as s/he deems necessary.

2.Chairperson and Quorum

a.Meetings will be chaired by the Editor-in-Chief. In the absence of the Editor-in Chief at a particular meeting, the appointed Editor will elect a chair to conduct the meeting.
b.A quorum for the meeting is at least half the members of the committee including editors and secretariat representative.

Agenda and Papers

1.Notice of the meeting confirming the venue, time, and date, together with an agenda of items to be discussed, shall be circulated to each member of the Committee, a minimum of seven (7) calendar days before the date of the meetings.
2.Supporting papers, when necessary, can be uploaded to the cloud storage at the same time or as soon as practicable.


1.The Secretary will ensure that the discussions and resolutions of all meetings of the Committee, including recording the names of those present and in attendance, are minuted.
2.The minutes will be circulated to all Committee members, and others in attendance, as close to two (2) calendar weeks after the meeting takes place.

Decision Making

1. Where possible a consensus identified by the Chair of the meeting will be sufficient to consider a matter passed, rejected, or deferred.
2.Where consensus is not possible, all decisions will be made by a vote, with each Committee member holding one (1) vote. Where equity of votes occurs, the Chair may cast an additional vote to finalise the decision or may defer the decision for later action.

Amendment to these Terms of Reference

The Committee will, at least once a year, review its own performance, membership, and Terms of Reference so that it is operating effectively.