International Knowledge Conference

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The International Knowledge Conference (IKC) has its humble beginning in the first knowledge conference held in 2005. It was called the Knowledge Conference 2005 and the theme was Making Libraries Relevant. Co-organised with Angkatan Zaman Mansang[1], the participants were mainly information professionals and library staff from Malaysia. Ten years later, when Pustaka Negeri Sarawak (Pustaka) wanted to spread its influence globally, the first IKC was initiated.

The IKC is a venue for researchers and practitioners especially in the ASEAN[2] region to connect with the international research communities for exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge in the field of Library and Information Science, Knowledge Management, Archives and Records Management and other related fields. Rapid developments in the field of information and communication technology is creating a 'cultural shock' especially in the way people create and share contents, the way corporate entities are capturing and disseminating information, and the way governments are harnessing on supposedly 'personal data'. Libraries, archives and other cultural institutions worldwide are being challenged, by this revolution, to continue their noble role as gateway to knowledge. This role is the basis for continued prosperity and development of society and individuals.



In conjunction with its 15th anniversary, Pustaka organised the International Knowledge Conference 2015 (IKC2015). The conference was held from 15th to 18th of November 2015 at Pullman Hotel & Resort in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

The key focus of the IKC2015 was on the rapid developments in the field of information and communication technology that was creating a cultural shock especially in the way people create and share contents, the way corporate entities are capturing and disseminating information, and the way governments are harnessing on supposedly personal data. Libraries, archives and other cultural institutions worldwide are being challenged, by this revolution, to continue their noble role as gateway to knowledge. This role was the basis for continued prosperity and development of society and individuals.


The theme of this conference was Knowledge: The Key To A better Tomorrow and the sub-these were:

a) Digital Resources: Managing and Challenges
b) Knowledge Sharing and Outreach Activities
c) User Behaviour and Practices
d) Self Directed Learning
e) Tools and Technology for KM Practices
f) Policy and Advocacy on Information
g) Best Practices and Innovations in Libraries and Archives
h) Information Sharing in the ASEAN[2] Economic Community 2015


The main objectives of IKC2015 were:

a) To be a venue for researchers, librarians, archivists, knowledge workers, policy makers, students and academicians to share knowledge and experiences, interact and network.
b) To discuss and analyse new innovations, current trends and best practices in the management, access and communications of information.
c) To overview governmental policies on access to information, provision of library services, freedom of information, intellectual property rights and limiting access to government records for security reasons.
d) To identify the potential and suitable applications of ICT in the publication, access and preservation on information.
f) To evaluate the impact of technological advancement on roles played by libraries and archives especially in encouraging lifelong learning and optimising human potentials.
g) To discuss strategies for optimisation of information resource sharing among ASEAN[2] countries in view of the ASEAN[2] Economic Community 2015 initiatives.

Papers Presented

23 papers were presented at the main conference by speakers from Malaysia and abroad during the two-day do.

Nos. Titles of Paper Session Speakers Organisations Countries
1 HISA Crossword: On-line & On-demand Crossword on Sarawak History
  • Li-Min Tan
  • Ranaivo-Malančon Bali (Presenter)
  • Terrin Lim
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) Malaysia
2 Simple Internet Filtering Access for Kids Using Naïve Bayes and Blacklisted URLs
  • Abrar Noor Akramin Kamarudin (presenter)
  • Ranaivo-Malančon Bali
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) Malaysia
3 Benchmarking in Knowledge Growth: Workable Best Practices for Innovation
  • Dr. Arif Jawaid (Presenter)
  • Dr. Parveen Kaur
  • Linton University College
  • Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
4 Annotating Named Entities in Sarawak Gazette: Challenges and Solutions
  • Ranaivo-Malančon Bali
  • Stephanie Chua Hui Li
  • Wan Muhammad Faisal Wan Tamlikha (Presenter)
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) Malaysia
5 Producing Text Corpora of Under-resourced Languages from Social Media
  • Suhaila Saee
  • Ranaivo-Malančon Bali (Presenter)
  • Voon Mei Wei
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) Malaysia
6 Using Web 2.0 Tools to Support Self Directed Learning in Cultural Institutions
  • Mohsen Zeinolabedini (Presenter)
  • Sanam Ebrahimzadeh
  • Nahid Parvini
  • Shahid Beheshti University
  • Tehran University
  • Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch
7 A Comparative Study of Urban Rural Reading Habits: Problems of the Rural Readers
  • Dr. Parveen Kaur (Presenter)
  • Dr. Arif Jawaid
  • Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
  • Linton University College
8 Knowledge Sharing Strategies In University Libraries In Kwazulu-Natal Province of South Africa
  • Ndakasharwa Muchaonyerwa (Presenter)
  • Stephen Mutula
University of Kwazulu-Natal South Africa
9 Increasing Students Inclination in School Activities Using Effective Information Delivery System
  • Noorfadhilah Kahiri (Presenter)
  • Abrar Noor Akramin Kamarudin
  • Ranaivo-Malančon Bali
  • Serian Secondary School
  • Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
10 Public Service Delivery System: A Case Study of Centralized Knowledge Base of 1MOCC
  • Dr. Irwan Kamaruddin Abdul Kadir (Presenter)
  • Alwi Mohd. Yunus
  • Zaimy ShaariZ
  • MARA University of Technology
  • Malaysia Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU)
11 African Repositories in The Ranking Web of Repositories: A Comparative Analysis of Their Standing in DOAR and ROAR Samir Hachani (Presenter) Algiers' University II Algeria
12 Makerspace: The National Institute of Education Library Experience
  • Wan-Yeoh Seok Kwan
  • Wong Kae Perng, Jackie (First Presenter)
  • Wong Shao Mun (Second Presenter)WONG SHAO MUN
National Institute of Education Library, Singapore Singapore
13 Investigating The Determinants of Usage and Acceptance of A Knowledge Repository in A Public Sector Organization
  • Mohd. Fauzi Aminuudin (First Presenter)
  • Nor Takrim Ibrahim (Second Presenter)
  • Geeta Albert
Knowledge Connections Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia
14 Revitalizing Eduwebtv Digital Resources Using EDpuzzle
  • Prof. Fong Soon Fook (Presenter)
  • Prof. Dato' Mohd. Hamdan Adnan
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) Malaysia
15 An Insight Into Work-Related Self-Directed Learning In A Private Organization in Indonesia
  • Ida Juliana Hutasuhut (Presenter)
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shahren Ahmad Zaidi Adruce
  • Sopian Bujang
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
  • Indonesia
  • Malaysia
16 Enabling Factors of Knowledge Sharing in the Organization
  • Khaddraa Rajuli (Presenter)
  • Hasbee UsopH
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shahren Ahmad Zaidi Adruce
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) Malaysia
17 Every Little Book Its Little Reader: A Mobile Library Project In Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia Paediatric Wards
  • Engku Razifah Engku Chik
  • Noraida Hassan
  • Nurul Azurah Mohd. Roni
  • Wan Emilin Wan Mat Alli (Presenter)
  • Herman Harianto Che Harun
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Malaysia
18 Accessing Accumulated knowledge in Online Community Question Answering Services
  • Lee Jun Choi (Presenter)
  • Cheah Yu-N
  • Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
  • Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
19 Knowledge Acquisition as an Integral Part of Knowledge Management Dr. Lee Chu Keong (Presenter) Nanyang Technology University of Singapore Singapore
20 Online Searching Behaviour: A Case Study Among The Library Users of Centre For Academic Information Services (CAIS),Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
  • Dayang Norsheila Abang Mohtar (Presenter)
  • Wan Abdul Rahman Wan Bujang
  • Norazlina Abdul Rahman
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) Malaysia
21 Attitude Towards Research (ATR) Among Malaysian Academic Librarians
  • Khasiah Zakaria (Presenter)
  • Prof. Dr. Norliya Ahmad Kassim
MARA University of Technology Malaysia
22 Building An Institutional Repository: Preserving Knowledge for Scholarly Communication or Achieving Ranking? Dr. Ida F. Priyanto (Presenter)D Gadjah Mada Iniversity Indonesia
23 An Automated User Experiences Summarization Tools
  • Wendy Tan Wei Syn (Presenter)
  • Bong Chih How
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) Malaysia
23 Opinion on Reading Among Users of Pustaka Negeri Sarawak in Kuching and Miri
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rasidah Mahdi
  • Dr. Norseha Unin (Presenter)
  • Dr. Abdul Rahman Saili
MARA University of Technology Malaysia



IKC2021 will be held online on 12 - 13 August 2021.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.

Sustainable development is center stage not just due to climate change but can also be due to disruptive technologies, information handling, and data manipulations. Rapid developments especially in the field of information and communication technology is impacting all aspects of our life. The emergence of artificial intelligence, robotics and data analytics are enabling machines to do tasks previously privileged for human. Together with advancements in the internet of things (IoT), wearable technology, and fintech, human may potentially become not just physically obese but also mentally inactive. Knowledge institutions and the public service worldwide need to reevaluate their roles in ensuring well informed and knowledgeable communities continue to exist and diversity of ideas flourished.

Over dependence on apps, personal assistance and pushed contents will subject people to the narratives controlled by computers owned by giant technology firms residing in technologically advanced countries.


Sustainable development goals: the roles of knowledge institutions and the public service.

a) SDG03 - Good Health and Well-being: ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
b) SDG04 - Quality Education: ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
c) SDG08 - Decent Work and Economic Growth: promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
d) SDG10 - Reduced Inequality: reduce inequality within and among countries.
d) SDG16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.


a) To be a venue for researchers, librarians, archivists, knowledge workers, policy makers, students and academicians to share knowledge and experiences, interact and network.
b) To discuss and analyse new innovations, current trends and best practices in the management, access and communications of information.
c) To overview governmental policies on access to information, provision of library services, freedom of information, intellectual property rights, personal data protection and limiting access to government records for security reasons.
d) To identify the potential and suitable applications of ICT in the publication, access, management and preservation on information.
e) To evaluate the impact of technological advancement on roles played by libraries and archives especially in encouraging lifelong learning and optimizing human potentials.
f) To discuss strategies for optimization of access to information resources in view of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

Conference Papers

12 papers will be presented at the online conference by speakers from Malaysia and abroad during the two half-day do.

No. Titles of Paper Session Speakers Organisations Countries
1 An Evaluation Of The Influence Of Marketisation In Higher Education Hamzah bin Masleh Raja Zarith Sofiah Centre for Advanced Studies on Islam, Science, and Civilisation (RZS-CASIS), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM-Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia
2 Digital Services through Institutional Repositories at Kuching Sarawak Polytechnic Library

a) Sabrina Milan
b) Kiprawi Sani

Polytechnic Kuching, Sarawak. Malaysia

Libraries’ role in supporting SDGS in a smart world: The Reality.

a) Dr. Gina de Alwis Jayasuriya

Independent LIS Researcher and former head of the Singapore Institute of Management Library. Singapore

b) Dr. Shaheen Majid

Retired Associate Professor, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University. Singapore

4 Critical literacy for academic Librarian in Indonesia. a) Nurul Farida - Indonesia
b) Kadek Aryana Dwi Putra - Indonesia
c) Wahid Nashihuddin

Master Student of Information and Library Management, Gadjah Mada University Indonesia. Indonesia

5 Academic library involvement in the open science movement in Indonesia. a) Petrus Lende - Indonesia
b) Muhammad Haikal - Indonesia
c) Wahid Nashihuddin

Master Student of Information and Library Management, Gadjah Mada University Indonesia. Indonesia

6 Fruitful library effort to change the community. a) Ida F Priyanto - Indonesia
b) Dwi Fitrina Cahyaningtyas Universitas Gadjah Mada. Indonesia

Sport & Cultural Institutions (Museums) working in partnership to ensure health and well-being, gender equity, clean and sustainable use of water and partnerships to achieve these goals, on the road to FIFA2022 in Qatar.

a) Sarah Champa
b) Susan Parker-Leavy (Head of MIA Library)

Maktaba Children’s Library, Qatar
Museum of Islamic Art, Qatar



Strategies to expend information dissemination of Semarang District Library activities. a) Patricia Ikaria Ratnasari

Master Student of Information and Library Management Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Indonesia

b) Aan Prabowo

Master Student of Information and Library Management Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Indonesia

c) Reza Mahdi Founder, LibExcellent Jakarta, Indonesia. Indonesia
9 Some philosophical foundation of adult education based on the perspective of knowledge culture. Hamzah bin Masleh Raja Zarith Sofiah Centre for Advanced Studies on Islam, Science, and Civilisation (RZS-CASIS), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM-Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia
10 Local Content Enrichment by Young Researchers and Talents for Cultural Heritage Sustainability. Salina Haji Zawawi Sarawak State Library. Malaysia

Pustaka’s Role for Sustainable Preservation of Public Records and Archives

a) Hayati Binti Haji Sabil
b) Norlailawaty Ismail
c) Ayu Lestari Binti Yahya
d) Dorithy Dela Lawrence
e) Mohamad Aizat Bin Ajis

Sarawak State Library.
Sarawak State Library.
Sarawak State Library.
Sarawak State Library.
Sarawak State Library.



Sustainable development goals: the roles of knowledge institutions and the public service : Roles of Pustaka Negeri Sarawak in Sustainable Partnership Towards SDG 2030.

a) Ahmad Bin Samsudin
b) Lilian Baun Pulo
c) Affendi Bin Iezara
d) Mohd. Awis Bin Abu Bakar
e) Morshidi Fredrick

Sarawak State Library.
Sarawak State Library.
Sarawak State Library.
Sarawak State Library.
City Secretary, Miri City Council.

