Indigenous Knowledge In Borneo: A Bibliometric Review

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This title (paper) has been presented at International Knowledge virtual Conference 2021 (IKC2021) organised by Pustaka Negeri Sarawak. The paper was prepared by Wan Abdul Rahman Bin Wan Bujang and Norlina Binti Kadri Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia


The paper is to presents a bibliometric review of the research publication output of indigenous knowledge in Borneo. This study adopted a bibliometric analysis based on the data obtained from the Scopus research database. The main keyword used is “Borneo”, to highlight research relevant that reflected through its publications and their research productivity. This study attempts to focus analyses the results using standard bibliometric indicators such as publication year, document type, source type, source title, languages, subject area, keywords analysis, geographical distribution, authorship, active institutions, and citation analysis on the subject of “Borneo” throughout 5 years impact study. From the findings, this study aims to facilitate the search for information, bibliography materials, and knowledge topics, especially on Borneo.

Keywords: Borneo, Indigenous Knowledge, Bibliometric, Scopus, research productivity


Indigenous knowledge refers to the understandings, skills, and philosophies developed by societies with long histories of interaction with their natural surroundings. For rural and indigenous peoples, local knowledge informs decision-making about fundamental aspects of day-to-day life.

Borneo is the third-largest island in the world and the largest in Asia. The island is politically divided among three countries: Malaysia and Brunei in the north, and Indonesia to the south. The island is politically divided among three countries: Malaysia and Brunei in the north, and Indonesia to the south. It is the only island in the world to be politically administered by three countries at once. Approximately 73% of the island is Indonesian territory. In the north, the East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak make up about 26% of the island. Additionally, the Malaysian federal territory of Labuan is situated on a small island just off the coast of Borneo. The sovereign state of Brunei, located on the north coast, comprises about 1% of Borneo's land area. A little more than half of the island is in the Northern Hemisphere, including Brunei and the Malaysian portion, while the Indonesian portion spans the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Table 1 summarizes the understanding of its economy by the countries.

Countries Economy
Brunei Up to 90% of the state’s GDP is dependent on crude oil and natural gas. Because of its rich oil resources, Brunei is the fourth-largest producer of oil in Southeast Asia.
Malaysia (Sabah & Sarawak) Timber export was the main resource of Sabah’s economy, but with efforts to save forests and its flora and fauna, the palm oil trade has emerged as an alternative trade. Other agricultural products that Sabah trades in, include rubber and cacao along with fisheries and vegetables. With time, the tourism industry has turned out to be the second-largest contributor to the economy.
LNG and petroleum are the main sources of the Malaysian federal government's economy for decades, while Sarawak merely receives a royalty. Tropical hardwood timber is the backbone of Malaysian exports and Sarawak is one of the largest exporters of such type of wood.
Both the state’s economy is also influenced by its rising tourism industry. Almost every year the state witnesses a drastic increase in the number of tourists visiting Sabah and Sarawak.
Indonesia Around 73% of the island of Borneo is covered by Kalimantan, the Indonesian territory, which is sub-divided into four major parts such as East Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, and South Kalimantan.
The economy of East Kalimantan is dependent on natural resources such as oilfield exploration, natural gas as well as coal and gold mining. Other sources of income include agriculture and tourism.
The economy of South Kalimantan is supported by many economic sectors. Agricultural sectors include rice, corn, peanuts, soybeans, coconut, rubber, cloves, and cacao. Livestock, fish products, and the forestry sector have a major role in the economy of South Kalimantan.
The mining sector is ruled by petroleum, coal, diamond, gold, iron ore, and tiles. Wood carvings, rattan and wood furniture, reptile skins, and weaving are famous handicrafts.
Major exports for West Kalimantan are processed wood, rubber, and fish while log, sawn timber, rattan, and resin come from Central Kalimantan.

Table 1: Economy by the countries

Literature Review

Indigenous knowledge is highly connected to spirituality. According to Clarry Sada (2019), any development must accommodate the indigenous people gradually to preserve the environment and culture. Borneo Island is one of the heartbeats of the world, therefore, the governments should preserve the land of Borneo as conservation areas and forests. However, in the last few years, it has become the industrial area so many business organizations run their businesses in various sectors such as plantation, mining, and other explorations. Unfortunately, the development has not got much impact on the indigenous people in the area because the local has not yet ready for the impact of industrialization.

Bibliometric analysis is a widely used research method for detecting the state of the art for a particular field. The method can utilize quantitative analysis and statistics to describe patterns of publications within a given period or body of literature. Researchers employ bibliometric analysis for determining the evaluation of a field of study or to ascertain influences and the relationships of several distinct fields. The term bibliometric was first invented by Fairthorne (1969) and Pritchard (1969). Bibliometrics is one of the most systematic measures for analysing literature and most often uses quantitative approaches. In addition, the bibliometric analysis can identify the research gaps and provide guidance for the future studies within the emerging field.


Scopus science database was used in this bibliometric research to analyse collected documents with the title, abstract, and keyword of “Borneo”. This study analyses all types of publications released from 2017 to June 2021 in the Scopus database. Scopus is an extensive multidisciplinary database containing citations and abstracts from peer-reviewed papers, industry journals, books, patent records, and conference publications. It offers tools to track, analyse and visualize search data. In addition, currently, the Scopus database contains more than 39,743 titles, of which over 25,000 actives and 14,558 inactive titles (mostly predecessors of the active titles) and it has also contained more than 210,000 books. This kind of database can provide an inclusive overview of the scientific research output of the world. Currently, the Scopus database is considered one of the primary sources of related information by the international scientific community.

Bibliometric analysis was executed by the Scopus database as of June 2021. The following keywords have been used in the Scopus database to search relevant articles which is related to (TITLE-ABS-KEY (Borneo) AND (LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2021) OR LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2020) OR LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2019) OR LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2018) OR LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2017))).

  • Microsoft Excel 2019 was used to compute the frequency and percentage of each publication and to create appropriate graphical representations.


This research conducted a bibliometric analysis published on Borneo by involving the following research questions:

RQ1. What is the current trend and impact of publication on Borneo studies?
RQ2. Which are the most productive and influential countries, institutions, and authors on Borneo studies?
RQ3. Which are the most influential articles on Borneo's studies?
RQ4. How many publications can be collected for bibliographies?

This paper has been divided into four sections containing methodology, results, and findings, and interpretations and discussion of various considerations and elaboration in answering the research questions. This research aimed to gain a deeper understanding and trends research on Borneo studies, especially in its increasing worldwide of information and knowledge on Borneo studies.

This study will also help the researchers to propose future research recommendations by examining the Scopus database publications in the indigenous knowledge in Borneo. Meanwhile, from the results, we can compile and collect those relevant publications into the bibliographies for academic and research references.

Results and findings

This part shows the results obtained from the bibliometric analysis to solve the problems raised in the research. From the Scopus research database, 1572 documents related to the Borneo study were generated. The current research aimed to answer the current trend and impact of publication in Borneo studies. Secondly, to recognize the most productive and influential countries, institutions, and authors on Borneo studies, and finally, to know the most influential articles on Borneo studies.

Annual growth data up until June 2021 were also presented in the findings, including their frequency and percentage. To understand the current trends and impact of publications in Borneo studies, we used a total of publications divided by year, country, journal, author, and organization to analyse publication trends in Borneo studies. We use bibliographic data collected from the Scopus database to calculate the data for this analysis. The discussion over the annual growth will show the trend and impact of publications Borneo studies is the first point for showing the current trends.

Publication by year
Table 2 shows the number of publications between 5 years from 2017 to 2021. The study on Borneo is growing steadily, in 2020 has the highest peak, with 415 publications reported (26.40%) from the total of 1572 publications generated in Scopus database.

Year TP  %
2021 176 11.20%
2020 415 26.40%
2019 337 21.44%
2018 348 22.14%
2017 296 18.83%

TP: Total publication
Table 2. Annual growth of publication

Document type
We also analyse the document gathered from the Scopus database based on the document type, source type, as well as the source title. The document type can be either journal article, conference paper, review, article, book, book chapter, or editorial. Table 3 presents the document type analyses from this study. Journal articles represent highest percentage (80.85%) of the articles published on Borneo research study, followed by conference paper (12.28%) review paper (2.86%) and book chapter (1.97%).

Document Type TP  %
Article 1271 80.85%
Conference Paper 193 12.28%

Review 45 2.86%
Book Chapter 31 1.97%
Book 1 0.06%

TP: Total publication
Table 3. Publication by document type

Source type
While there are various document types for the published articles on Borneo, there are also different categories of source type identified in this study. Table 4 shows that most of the articles are published in the journal compared to conference proceedings and books.

Source Type TP  %
Journal 1343 85.43%
Conference Proceeding 184 11.70%
Book Series 28 1.78%
Book 17 1.08%

TP: Total publication
Table 4. Publication by source type

Source title
From the various journals published based on the objective of the studies. Table 5 below shows the top source titles with minimum (TP=10) that have been published and produced by each source title. It can be seen from the table that Iop Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science host the highest paper on relevant study (TP=72). Followed by Zootaxa (TP=45) and Biodiversitas (TP=34). Meanwhile the Journal of Physics Conference Series, Phytotoxa and Aip Conference Proceedings have published at least (TP=20).

Source Title TP  %
Iop Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science 72 4.58%
Zootaxa 45 2.86%
Biodiversitas 34 2.16%
Journal of Physics Conference Series 24 1.53%
Phytotaxa 22 1.40%
Aip Conference Proceedings 20 1.27%
Biological Conservation 17 1.08%
Scientific Reports 17 1.08%
Plos One 14 0.89%
Biotropica 13 0.83%
Forest Ecology and Management 13 0.83%
Iop Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering 13 0.83%
Malaysian Applied Biology 13 0.83%
Biogeosciences 12 0.76%
Zookeys 12 0.76%
Environmental Research Letters 11 0.70%
Peerj 11 0.70%
Forests 10 0.64%
Journal Of Sustainability Science and Management 10 0.64%
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 10 0.64%

TP: Total publication
Table 5. Publication by source title

Languages of documents
Based on Table 6, English is commonplace for most of the publications in this research domain (TP=1571; 99.94%) and another encountered language include French (TP=1, 0.06%)

Language TP  %
English 1571 99.94%
French 1 0.06%

TP: Total publication
Table 6. Publication by languages

Subject area
This study next classifies the published documents based on the subject area as summarizes in Table 7. The distribution of research on Borneo emerges mainly from Agricultural and Biological Sciences (TP=772, 49.11%), Environmental Science (TP=475, 30.22%) and Earth and Planetary Sciences (TP=277, 17.62%). However, there are also other subject areas that also published articles on Borneo as reported in Table 7.

Subject Area TP  %
Agricultural and Biological Sciences 772 49.11%
Arts and Humanities 52 3.31%
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 151 9.61%
Business, Management and Accounting 22 1.40%
Chemical Engineering 6 0.38%
Chemistry 35 2.23%
Computer Science 56 3.56%
Decision Sciences 20 1.27%
Dentistry 3 0.19%
Earth and Planetary Sciences 277 17.62%
Economics, Econometrics and Finance 18 1.15%
Energy 74 4.71%
Engineering 83 5.28%
Environmental Science 475 30.22%
Health Professions 4 0.25%
Immunology and Microbiology 73 4.64%
Materials Science 37 2.35%
Mathematics 13 0.83%
Medicine 158 10.05%
Multidisciplinary 58 3.69%
Neuroscience 13 0.83%
Nursing 4 0.25%
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics 42 2.67%
Physics and Astronomy 62 3.94%
Psychology 1 0.06%
Social Sciences 185 11.77%
Veterinary 17 1.08%

TP:Total publication
Table 7. Publication by subjects

Keywords analysis
Table 8 showed the top of keywords used from the published research on Borneo. This analysis described the research relevant on Borneo studies that emerged the niche areas to further research.

Keywords TP  %
Borneo 769 48.92%
Malaysia 384 24.43%
Indonesia 204 12.98%
East Malaysia 191 12.15%
Article 178 11.32%
Sabah 167 10.62%
Animals 158 10.05%
Animal 155 9.86%
Sarawak 152 9.67%
Human 129 8.21%
Biodiversity 127 8.08%
Nonhuman 122 7.76%
Kalimantan 110 7.00%
Male 99 6.30%
Female 95 6.04%
Southeast Asia 84 5.34%
Tropical Forest 81 5.15%
Elaeis 80 5.09%
Humans 77 4.90%
Forestry 75 4.77%
Rainforest 70 4.45%
Taxonomy 70 4.45%
Phylogeny 69 4.39%
Controlled Study 68 4.33%
Brunei Darussalam 66 4.20%
Forest 61 3.88%
Climate Change 59 3.75%
Deforestation 58 3.69%
New Species 57 3.63%
Adult 55 3.50%
Genetics 55 3.50%
Tropics 55 3.50%
Forests 51 3.24%
Sumatra 51 3.24%
Conservation 49 3.12%
Sunda Isles 46 2.93%
Greater Sunda Islands 44 2.80%
Land Use 43 2.74%
Ecosystem 41 2.61%
Physiology 41 2.61%
Remote Sensing 39 2.48%
Plasmodium Knowlesi 36 2.29%
Species Diversity 36 2.29%
Genetic Variation 35 2.23%
Oil Palm 35 2.23%
Major Clinical Study 34 2.16%
Peatland 34 2.16%
Classification 33 2.10%
Malaria 33 2.10%
Parasitology 33 2.10%
Unclassified Drug 33 2.10%
Brunei 32 2.04%
Morphology 32 2.04%
Isolation And Purification 31 1.97%
Pacific Ocean 31 1.97%
Species Richness 31 1.97%
Tree 31 1.97%
Habitat Fragmentation 30 1.91%
Primate 30 1.91%
Chemistry 29 1.84%
Polymerase Chain Reaction 29 1.84%
Priority Journal 29 1.84%
Selective Logging 29 1.84%
Sustainable Development 29 1.84%
Concentration (composition) 28 1.78%
Ecosystems 28 1.78%
Pongo Pygmaeus 28 1.78%
South China Sea 28 1.78%
Agriculture 27 1.72%
Land Use Change 27 1.72%
Tropical Environment 27 1.72%
Tropical Region 27 1.72%
Wetlands 27 1.72%
Environmental Protection 26 1.65%
Forest Management 26 1.65%
Mammalia 26 1.65%
Plantation 26 1.65%
Carbon Dioxide 25 1.59%
Drought 25 1.59%
Mammal 25 1.59%
Tropical Rain Forest 25 1.59%
El Nino 24 1.53%
Palm Oil 24 1.53%
Peat 24 1.53%
Trees 24 1.53%
Animalia 23 1.46%
Distribution 23 1.46%
Ecology 23 1.46%
Endangered Species 23 1.46%
Logging 23 1.46%
Logging (timber) 23 1.46%
Prevalence 23 1.46%

TP: Total publication
Table 8. Keywords analysis

Distribution of publication by countries
Table 9 indicates the top countries that collaborated to produce the publication on Borneo studies. There are 8 countries in the rank produced above (TP=100) on the research. Malaysia is the highest (TP=992), Indonesia (TP=527) and United Kingdom (TP=260). Followed by United States (TP=224), Australia (TP=155), Japan (TP=154), Brunei Darussalam (TP=140) and Germany (TP=104). From the table 9, the remaining countries also shown the high interest to collaborate their research on Borneo from difference perspectives.

Country TP  %
Malaysia 992 63.10%
Indonesia 527 22.52%
United Kingdom 260 16.54%
United States 224 14.25%
Australia 155 9.86%
Japan 154 9.80%
Brunei Darussalam 140 8.91%
Germany 104 6.62%
Singapore 79 5.03%
Netherlands 65 4.13%
China 56 3.56%
France 56 3.56%
Czech Republic 27 1.72%
Switzerland 27 1.72%
Canada 23 1.46%
Thailand 21 1.34%
Italy 20 1.27%
South Africa 18 1.15%
Spain 18 1.15%
India 17 1.08%
Norway 17 1.08%
South Korea 17 1.08%
New Zealand 14 0.89%
Taiwan 14 0.89%
Austria 12 0.76%
Denmark 11 0.70%
Belgium 9 0.57%
Saudi Arabia 9 0.57%
Bangladesh 8 0.51%
Finland 8 0.51%
Pakistan 8 0.51%
Panama 8 0.51%
Philippines 8 0.51%
Portugal 8 0.51%
Sweden 8 0.51%
Viet Nam 8 0.51%
Russian Federation 7 0.45%
Hong Kong 6 0.38%
Poland 6 0.38%
Hungary 5 0.32%
Nigeria 5 0.32%

TP: Total publication
Table 9. Publications by countries

Authorship analysis
Table 10 shows the number of author(s) per documents. The top author is by Professor Dr Benoît Goossens from Cardiff University, United Kingdom (TP=46), followed by Associate Professor Dr Henry Bernard from (TP=30), Professor Dr Charles Santhanaraju Vairappan (TP=27), Associate Professor Dr Monica Suleiman (TP=23) from Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Other authors also published more than 20 publications are Associate Professor Dr Mohd Azlan Jayasilan (TP=22) from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.

Author Name TP  %
Goossens, B. 46 2.93%
Bernard, H. 30 1.91%
Vairappan, C.S. 27 1.72%
Suleiman, M. 23 1.46%
Mohd-Azlan, J. 22 1.40%
Ewers, R.M. 19 1.21%
Ancrenaz, M. 18 1.15%
Meijaard, E. 18 1.15%
Reynolds, G. 17 1.08%
Struebig, M.J. 17 1.08%
Kamada, T. 16 1.02%
Nilus, R. 16 1.02%
Vijith, H. 16 1.02%
Wong, S.Y. 16 1.02%
Boyce, P.C. 15 0.95%
Dodge-Wan, D. 15 0.95%
Jeffree, M.S. 15 0.95%
Budiman, E. 14 0.89%
Burslem, D.F.R.P. 14 0.89%
Chung, A.Y.C. 14 0.89%
Das, I. 14 0.89%

TP: Total publication
Table 10. Publications by authoship

Most active institutions
Table 11 shows the affiliations from which most of the publications produced. Universiti Malaysia Sabah is the top rank with (TP=265), followed by Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (TP=217) and Universiti Brunei Darussalam (TP=115). Other institutions produced below 100 publications on the relevant research.

Institution TP  %
Universiti Malaysia Sabah 265 16.86%
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak 217 12.80%
Universiti Brunei Darussalam 115 7.32%
Forest Research Centre - Sandakan 78 4.96%
Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan 75 4.77%
University of Malaya 70 4.45%
Kyoto University 57 3.63%
Sabah Wildlife Department 53 3.37%
IPB University 50 3.18%
Universiti Putra Malaysia 48 3.05%
Danau Girang Field Centre 48 3.05%
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 47 2.99%
National University of Singapore 45 2.86%
Cardiff University 45 2.86%
College of Biomedical and Life Sciences 44 2.80%
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu 43 2.74%
Universiti Sains Malaysia 42 2.67%
The University of Queensland 39 2.48%
Universitas Gadjah Mada 36 2.29%
Curtin University, Malaysia 35 2.23%
Imperial College London 35 2.23%

TP: Total publication
Table 11. Publications by active institutions

Citation analysis
The productivity of the researchers also can be measured by the number of citations that has been cited per year. Table 12 discloses the topmost cited articles from Scopus database with at least 40 citations received (based on the number of times being cited). The document entitled “Topography shapes the structure, composition and function of tropical forest landscapes” by Jucker T., et al. (2018) has so far received the highest number of citations (84 citations). Followed by Qie, L et al. (2017), document entitled “Long-term carbon sink in Borneo’s forests halted by drought and vulnerable to edge effects” (68 citations), and a document entitled “Impact of regional haze towards air quality in Malaysia: A review” by Latif M.T., et al. (2018) which received 67 citations. Another document entitled “Palaeolithic cave art in Borneo” by Aubert M., et al. (2018) also received (61 citations). This table also shown the most influence document with minimum of 40 citations received throughout the year.

Authors Title Year Source title Cited by
Jucker T., et al.
ETopography shapes the structure,composition and function of tropical forest landscapes 2018 Ecology Letters 84
Qie L., et al.
Long-term carbon sink in Borneo's forests halted by drought and vulnerable to edge effects 2017 Nature Communications 68
Latif M.T., et al.
Impact of regional haze towards air quality in Malaysia: A review 2018 Atmospheric Environment 67
Aubert M., et al.
Palaeolithic cave art in Borneo 2018 Nature 67
Voigt M., et al.
Global Demand for Natural Resources Eliminated More Than 100,000 Bornean Orangutans 2018 Current Biology 55
Santika T., et al.
Community forest management in Indonesia:Avoided deforestation in the context of anthropogenic and climate complexitiese 2017 Global Environmental Change 55
Taufik M., et al.
Amplification of wildfire area burnt by hydrological drought in the humid tropics 2017 Nature Climate Change 53
Sa'adi Z., et al.
Projection of spatial and temporal changes of rainfall in Sarawak of Borneo Island using statistical downscaling of CMIP5 models 2017 Atmospheric Research 51
Sa’adi Z., et al.
Trends analysis of rainfall and rainfall extremes in Sarawak, Malaysia using modified Mann– Kendall test 2019 Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 49
Asner G.P., et al.
Mapped aboveground carbon stocks to advance forest conservation and recovery in Malaysian Borneo 2018 Biological Conservation 49
Ma C.-K., et al.
Repair and rehabilitation of concrete structures using confinement: A review 2017 Construction and Building Materials 49
Ashton L.A., et al.
ETermites mitigate the effects of drought in tropical rainforest 2019 Science 48
Usinowicz J., et al.
Temporal coexistence mechanisms contribute to the latitudinal gradient in forest diversity 2017 Nature 47
Morgans C.L., et al.
EEvaluating the effectiveness of palm oil certification in delivering multiple sustainability objectives 2018 Environmental Research Letters 46
Gaveau D.L.A., et al.
Rise and fall of forest loss and industrial plantations in Borneo (2000– 2017) 2019 Conservation Letters 44
Luke S.H., et al.
EThe effects of catchment and riparian forest quality on stream environmental conditions across a tropical rainforest and oil palm landscape in Malaysian Borneo 2017 Ecohydrology 43
Abram N.K., et al.
EOil palm– community conflict mapping in Indonesia: A case for better community liaison in planning for development initiatives 2017 Applied Geography 43
Santika T., et al.
Does oil palm agriculture help alleviate poverty? A multidimensional counterfactual assessment of oil palm 2019 World Development 41
ERiutta T., et al.
Logging disturbance shifts net primary productivity and its allocation in Bornean tropical forests 2018 Global Change Biology 41
EWearn O.R., et al.
Mammalian species abundance across a gradient of tropical land- use intensity: A hierarchical multi-species modelling approach Biological Conservation 41
Breitfeld H.T., et al.
A Triassic to Cretaceous Sundaland– Pacific subduction margin in West Sarawak, Borneo Tectonophysics 41

Table 12. Publications by citations


This study has initiated a review of all kinds of scholarly works published to date on the topic of Borneo. The study reports the trend of the previous studies using selected bibliometric indicators as obtained from the Scopus database. Overall, bibliometric details of 1572 documents were extracted from the Scopus database. Most of the articles were published in the journal (TP=1343), and English becomes a primary language (99.94%).

Mainly topic about Borneo comes from the subjects agricultural and biological sciences, arts, and humanities, biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology. As for the contributing institutions and countries, the top rank is from Universiti Malaysia Sabah and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Malaysia), Universiti Brunei Darussalam (Brunei) and Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (Indonesia).

Overall, this bibliometric data analysis can be one of the best references for the K@Borneo in compiling the resources on the topic of Borneo. The Indigenous knowledge of Borneo are presented in the world of academic research and be part of the research niche areas that covers expand in the research journals based on the contribution countries.


  • Abram, N. K., Meijaard, E., Wilson, K. A., Davis, J. T., Wells, J. A., Ancrenaz, M., . . . Mengersen, K. (2017). Oil palm–community conflict mapping in Indonesia: A case for better community liaison in planning for development initiatives. Applied Geography, 78, 33-44. doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2016.10.005
  • Ashton, L. A., Griffiths, H. M., Parr, C. L., Evans, T. A., Didham, R. K., Hasan, F., . . . Eggleton, P. (2019). Termites mitigate the effects of drought in tropical rainforests. Science, 363(6423), 174-177. doi:10.1126/science.aau9565
  • Asner, G. P., Brodrick, P. G., Philipson, C., Vaughn, N. R., Martin, R. E., Knapp, D. E., . . . Coomes, D. A. (2018). Mapped aboveground carbon stocks to advance forest conservation and recovery in Malaysian Borneo. Biological Conservation, 217, 289-310. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2017.10.020
  • Aubert, M., Setiawan, P., Oktaviana, A. A., Brumm, A., Sulistyarto, P. H., Saptomo, E. W., . . . Brand, H. E. A. (2018). Palaeolithic cave art in Borneo. Nature, 564(7735), 254-257. doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0679-9
  • Breitfeld, H. T., Hall, R., Galin, T., Forster, M. A., & BouDagher-Fadel, M. K. (2017). A triassic to cretaceous Sundaland–Pacific subduction margin in west Sarawak, Borneo. Tectonophysics, 694, 35-56. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2016.11.034
  • Clarry Sada, Yabit Alas & Muhammad Anshari | Lincoln Geraghty (2019) Indigenous peopleof Borneo (Dayak): Development, social cultural perspective and its challenges, Cogent Arts & Humanities, 6:1, DOI: 10.1080/23311983.2019.1665936
  • Gaveau, D. L. A., Locatelli, B., Salim, M. A., Yaen, H., Pacheco, P., & Sheil, D. (2019). Rise and fall of forest loss and industrial plantations in Borneo (2000–2017). Conservation Letters, 12(3) doi:10.1111/conl.12622
  • Jucker, T., Bongalov, B., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Nilus, R., Dalponte, M., Lewis, S. L., . . . Coomes, D. A. (2018). Topography shapes the structure, composition and function of tropical forest landscapes. Ecology Letters, 21(7), 989-1000. doi:10.1111/ele.12964
  • Latif, M. T., Othman, M., Idris, N., Juneng, L., Abdullah, A. M., Hamzah, W. P., . . . Jaafar, A. B. (2018). Impact of regional haze towards air quality in Malaysia: A review. Atmospheric Environment, 177, 28-44. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.01.002
  • Luke, S. H., Barclay, H., Bidin, K., Chey, V. K., Ewers, R. M., Foster, W. A., . . . Aldridge, D. C. (2017). The effects of catchment and riparian forest quality on stream environmental conditions across a tropical rainforest and oil palm landscape in Malaysian Borneo. Ecohydrology, 10(4) doi:10.1002/eco.1827
  • Ma, C. -., Apandi, N. M., Sofrie, C. S. Y., Ng, J. H., Lo, W. H., Awang, A. Z., & Omar, W. (2017). Repair and rehabilitation of concrete structures using confinement: A review. Construction and Building Materials, 133, 502-515. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.12.100
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