Mohd Amirrul Aqmal Bin Julani

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Mohd Amirrul Aqmal Bin Julani was born in Kuching, currently attached at Corporate Management Sector under Facility Management Division as Pengawal Keselamatan,Grade KP11, I've a lot hobbies in my life such in playing mobile games and any kind of sport. I'm big fan of Liverpool Football team. YNWA.png

Education Background

Year School

a) 1998-2000
b) 2001-2003
c) 2004-2008

a) SRK Samariang
b) SK Matang
c) SMK Tunku Abdul Rahman

Working Experience

  • Joined Pustaka Negeri Sarawak since January 2010 as a Security Guard Grade KP11 (Contract Staff).
  • Have been offer a permanent job (Pengawal Keselamatan, KP11) on 2017 until current.
  • Have been attached at State Record Repository building year 2014 until 2017.

With Pustaka Negeri Sarawak

He was appointed as a Security Guard Grade KP11 on January 2010 on Contract basis. On 2017, he has been offered on a permanent job as a Security Guard , Grade KP11.

He is responsible for maintaining the safety of buildings, visitors and staff while on duty and to report on any incident occurring regardless of whether the Library is operating or not.

He have been attached at State Record Repository building year 2014 until 2017.

Professional Knowledge and Expertise

Management Technological Languages and Others
a) Quality management a) Microsoft productivity tools a) English
b) Security management b) Malay
c) Sarawak local dialects