Laman Rasmi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak


The Innovator’s Dilemma: the revolutionary national bestseller that changed the way we do business.

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Call no.
: 658.4 CHR
: Christensen, Clayton M.
: Wan Mazli Bin Wan Razali
Well-managed, competitive, customer centric and hi-tech organization is not guarantee dominant in it’s industry. Studies were done and written in this book that companies who fulfill those criteria and yet still fail miserably. Many examples of good and established companies that failed when confronted with technology and market structure. Logically, the management will do what they must to save the company with whatever means to transform their organization. The term disruptive technologies and innovation was used widely and explained well with examples from the companies’ experience. Disruptive technologies and innovation may leads to production of great consumer products which are affordable and convenient as per written in this book.