Laman Rasmi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak


Reinventing you: define your brand, imagine your future

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Call no.
: 650.1 CLA
: Clark, Dorie
: Edison Ricket
Clark weaves in story after story of people who have taken some unusual journeys to get where they are today. Her writing makes you feel like you are right besides the person who has gone from one extreme to the other, in terms of careers. You can`t help but think, if they can do it, so can I. I like how Clark challenges the reader to begin with the end in mind. "Why not take time to think how you`d like to be seen in the world and then work strategically to accomplish that, rather than waiting for life to happen to you?" I had to hold myself back from tearing this page out of the book, duplicating it and sending it to everyone I know, who is in wait and see mode. Reinvention takes work. But so does everything that is really worth having.