Laman Rasmi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak



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Call no.
: (personal collection)
: Maureen Mylander
: Fairul Azli Banchit
If you have watched the movie Patch Adams, then you will love the book even more. The author had portrayed Patch Adams as a fun, joyful, playful, and crazy man, and at the same time trying his best to treat his patients in unorthodox way a doctor would treat his or her patients. Despite being called a ‘happy man’, Doctor Patch Adams had to face great deals of ups and downs, difficult challenges, and even a mere suicide. However, all of those incidents had became one of the important turning points in his life which had lead him to change his way of thinking, looking at the world and in the end, becoming who he is today, a happy man tying to inflict the happiness unto others. Overall, this book is well written and the language used is easy to understand. Sila sertakan gambar muka depan bahan yang dipilih.