Laman Rasmi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak


Do Big Things: The Simple Steps Teams Can Take to Mobilize Hearts and Minds, and Make an Epic Impact

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Call no.
: 658.4022 ROS
: Craig Ross (Author), Angela V. Paccione (Author), Victoria L. Roberts (Author)
: Fairul Azli Banchit
I love everything about this book, from the well organized, well written, ease to understand to the cover design which is clean and minimilists. This book is about building an effective team which are higly cooperative, functional, and effective team. Do Big Things cuts to the chase, speaks in plain language and easy to understand terms, and defines practical implementation. In many ways, this book`s concepts remind me of the real-world skills used in the military to achieve true mission effectiveness and team cohesion. This authors remind us that successful teams are not about star players or outsized talents, but about relationships where people exhibit caring, humanity, and heart.