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the Alpha Mom : The ASIAN mother`s guide to personal fulfilment

the Alpha Mom : The ASIAN mother`s guide to personal fulfilment Book Cover
Call no.
: 155.33391/KAR
: Samantha Sambun-Karasu
: Peregrine Books Sdn Bhd
: 9789671609736
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The Alpha Mom: The Asian mother’s guide to personal fulfilment. It is written as a motivational guide, encouraging readers to adopt a proactive mindset and take concrete steps towards achieving their goals. The author, Samantha Sambun-Karasu is the writer as well as publisher for this book. The author dedicates this book for all mothers and women who aspiring to enhance their lives. The authors emphasizing the need for readers to have strength when they decided to read this book, as the writing style may be present challenges by confronting and sometimes contradict the readers believe.