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Question: Investigating employee creativity through employee polychronicity and employee resilience: a glimpse of nurses working in the health-care sector

Answer: Purpose
This study aims to investigate the relationship between employee polychronicity and employee creativity. This study also explores the mediating role of employee resilience in the relationship between employee polychronicity and employee creativity.

This study was based on a quantitative research design, and a survey instrument was used to collect data from doctors and nurses. Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression and four-step Baron and Kenney (1986) approaches were used to check the impact of nurses’ polychronicity on creativity through resilience.
Results proved that employee polychronicity positively influences employee creativity. The finding indicates that employee resilience acts as a mediator in the relationship between employee polychronicity and employee creativity.

The worth of this study rests on the deeper understanding of the employee polychronicity–employee creativity link in the health-care sector. Moreover, by bringing to the fore employee resilience as a mediator of the polychronicity–creativity relationship, this study provided a new vantage point to explore the intricacies concerned with the relationships between polychronicity, resilience and creativity.

(Source: , 17 Jun 2021)

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