Sarawak State Library


State Record Repository

The Concept

Depository Service sector started in 2002 in line with Sarawak State Library Ordinance 1999, Part IV. Depository Service Sector as information resources for public regarding on history of Sarawak. This function led to the development of the Sarawakiana collection, the management of Sarawak State records, the storage and preservation of state records.


  • to provide for the preservation and use of library resources or materials published in Sarawak;
  • to create standard bibliographic records of library resources or materials published in Sarawak;
  • to maintain statistical records of library resources or materials published in Sarawak; and
  • to maintain, preserve and keep public records which are more than twenty-five years old, and other documents, papers, instruments, and statutes, statutory orders, regulations or decrees, directed by State Secretary to be maintained, preserved and kept in the State Depository on account of their historical value or public importance.

The Environment

Located at Jalan Sultan Tengah near government buildings such as Yayasan Sarawak, MARDI and Craun Research. Approximately 13km from Kuching city and 8 km from Sarawak State Library. The 3-storey building houses a staff of about 30 people and records of the state government and Sarawakiana materials.

Services Offered

  1. Reference of Sarawakiana and Archives material
  2. Storage for valuable records
  3. Preserve records that valuable and historical to Sarawak State

Operation Hours

Monday - Friday
8.30 am - 4.30 pm


State Records Repository
Jalan Cahya Indah,
Off Jalan Sultan Tengah,
93050 Kuching, Sarawak.