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Grant of Allowance

The provision of allowances is intended to encourage staff to serve more excellently and committedly and based on the following criteria: -

c.Importance of a service
d.Reimbursement of expenses

Types of Allowances

Based on the above allowance criteria, the allowances in [1] SSM: Sistem Saraan Malaysia are divided into three types: -

1. Fixed Remuneration;
2. Incentive Payments and;
3. Allowance to reimburse expenses and additional responsibilities.

Eligible Allowances

Eligible allowances enjoyed by Pustaka staff include: -

1. Fixed Remuneration

  • Fixed housing allowance / Elaun Tetap Perumahan
  • Fixed Entertainment Rewards/Imbuhan Tetap Keraian (for certain categories only)
  • Permanent Remuneration for Public Service / Imbuhan Tetap Khidmat Awam (ITKA)

2 Incentive Payment

  • Regional Incentive Payments / Bayaran Insentif Wilayah

3 Additional Responsibility Allowance / Reimbursement of Expenses

  • Acting Allowance / Elaun Memangku
  • Work Dependent Allowance / Elaun Tanggungan Kerja
  • Overtime Claims / Tuntutan Lebih Masa
  • Kilometer Allowance Claim / Tuntutan Elaun Kilometeran


  1. Sistem Saraan Malaysia