Enhancement of Reference Services

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The Enhancement of Reference Services was one of the continual improvement programs implemented by Pustaka to improves its services to its users. This program was originally planned in 2012, but due numerous technical issues, it was only implemented in 2013.

Statement of Problem

The decentralised nature of the reference services made them inconsistent, thus unreliable. Reference inquiries through telephone went to Central Registry Unit, Here, the reference inquiries were handled by non library professional. Over the counter reference services were mostly handled by the security guards, who form the first line in term of frontline services. More serious reference inquiries, including online reference were handled by the Business Information Services. The reference desk was critically under utilised. The latter only catered for directional information. In other word, Pustaka’ reference services lacked identity and of non existence to the users.

Related to that, Pustaka was also experiencing depleting membership issue and decreasing usage of library resources. Annual customer survey conducted in 2008 till 2011 indicated that Pustaka’s information services were not favoured for.


This continual program sought to enhance the reference services in the hope that it would

a) increase usage of library resources;
b) increase library membership;
c) enhance Pustaka’ corporate image; and
d) promote Pustaka as an important agent in the nation-building process

Proposed Solutions

Weaknesses Root Causes Proposed Solutions Expected Benefits
Too much compartmentalization (e.g. OILS, BIS, etc.) Units were task-oriented (e.g. MFR, Lincoln activities, children activities) rather than functioning as a whole IS division (current situation e.g. OILS, BIS, RCS, OFFPRO).

a) Propose to restructure Information Services Division into two main units (strategic business unit – SBU) i.e. Reference Service (RS) and Community Information Services (CIS)
b) Propose to eliminate products/services which are no longer on demand and relevant due to advancement in technology (e.g. proliferation of e-books, free download from the Internet). These products or services are PRO-ACCESS, INFORMATION REPACKAGING and Sarawak Business Directory.
c) Propose to revamp Business Information Service Unit, due to low ROI (Human resource versus revenue generated)

a) Better coordination and control of core services
b) Maximization of resources<

Location of the Reference Services counter was not strategic. Consequently, the security guards were the first point of enquiry. Pustaka was originally designed as State Reference Library. Due to public demand, circulation services were introduced. So, the then reference counter was converted into a circulation and reference counter. Consequently, the reference counter was over-shadowed and had to be moved to a secluded place. (i.e. near the entrance to newspaper reading room).

a) Proposed rebranding of the information services.
b) Proposed to upgrade Pustaka Miri as a Sector to eliminate red tape since it had all main functions as practised in Kuching, e.g. finance, library services and corporate management.

Enhancement of corporate image; good public perception on core services and products; and maximization of resources.
Pustaka was a reference library, having collections targeting serious research and tertiary levels. However, current membership was mainly children and students of primary and secondary level. Due to the existing policy on collection development targeting a serious research and tertiary level of education thus Pustaka as State Reference Library. We were duplicating the function of other public libraries in the vicinity.

a) Proposed to realign organization’s focus to the existing policy (Pustaka as the State Library) and be clear on the level/depth of library collection and its intended target groups and programs.
b) Proposed to revisit/revamp/restructure existing policies: Collection development; Information services; Rules and regulations; Multi-tasking versus specialization (implied policy).
c) Proposed review of rebranding initiatives should be implemented at planned interval for long term development of the library services.

Enhancement of corporate image; good public perception on core services and products; and maximization of resources.
Weak coordination. The decentralised nature of IS Division made coordination difficult. Heavy compartmentalization resulted in operating units gear their resources towards achieving their own specific goals. Proposed to restructure Information Services Division into two main units (strategic business unit – SBU) i.e. Reference Services (RS) and Community Information Services (CIS).

a) Better coordination and control of core services
b) Maximization of resources

Reference services niche area was almost non-existence. Pustaka was initially set up as a reference library with strong local content. However, the current operation is incorporating public library function. Consequently, the niche area was diluted and naturally neglected. Proposed to develop the local content via purchase, donation, smart-partnership and etc. (e.g. MOU with related agencies) This may entail to the upgrading of the Sarawakiana Unit, under Technical Services Division to a division under the Library Services Sector Enhancement of corporate image; good public perception on core services and products; and maximization of resources.
Weak management support on initiatives to improve IS Division. Improvement initiatives via KFA, ICC or by other improvement teams was not considered / approved, e.g. Rebranding of Library Services. Often emphasis was mainly given on routine activities such as children activities, and other ad-hoc activities. Proposed that the management conduct a feasibility study and incorporate these proposals into the organization’s strategic planning so that proper planning and budgeting could be done. Enhancement of corporate image; good public perception on core services and products; and maximization of resources.
Heavy emphasis on library activities instead of core functions. As a result, core functions as a State and Reference library are often deprived of resources. Often public library functions are being given more emphasis in order to meet Pustaka’s current membership profile which constitutes mostly children and students of primary and secondary level.

a) Proposed rebranding of information services.
b) Promotional activities should be more on Pustaka as a State Library instead of a public library.

Enhancement of corporate image; good public perception on core services and products; and maximization of resources.
Lack of signage – Currently, most enquiries handled by the Reference Services staff are directional in nature, e.g. locations of rooms and facilities. These simple enquiries were taking more of the staff time. Implied policy was already emplaced when the library was first set up, e.g. No drilling on the wall, no signage hanging from the ceiling denoting and creating a sub standard look/ambiance in the library. Customer surveys conducted over the year had similar findings and recommendations on this matter. However, not much improvement was carried out. Public complaint was still rampant e.g. direction in the library – where the toilets, prayer rooms, book shelves and etc. Proposed rebranding of information services. Enhancement of corporate image; good public perception on core services and products; and maximization of resources.
Public’s perception on Information Service - The public perceived that library information services are no longer socially relevant to fulfil its information needs the social media can cater for that needs. Global technology advancement/development was currently unavoidable, with the introduction of social media and smart communication gadgets. With information at your finger tips at any time anywhere, this will slowly displaces the library.

a) Proposed to utilize the existing technology to enhance our services, benchmark Singapore National Library Board (e.g. federated search, mobile technology and social media)
b) Proposed to make budgetary provision to acquisition, implementation and maintenance of these ICT equipments.

Enhancement of corporate image; good public perception on core services and products; and maximization of resources.
Culture / attitude of people in Kuching – Lack of awareness and acceptance on information services. Generally, the public had low or lacking in awareness on the importance of information provided by the library resulting in low acceptance on information services. Libraries were considered as organized place for study. This was proven by library surveys conducted in 2007 and 2010, where library as a place received high rate compared to library providing information access. Proposed rebranding of information services. Enhancement of corporate image; good public perception on core services and products; and maximization of resources.
Reference materials were not properly organized. Some references are weak. Target/Key performance indicator set was not based on Pustaka’s core function. Instead emphasis was more on activity based target e.g. Lincoln activities, children activities, community talks and etc. Target/KPI should be based on core activities such as improving and promoting reference services and community information services.

a) Proposed to realign organization’s focus to the existing policy (Pustaka as the State Library) and be clear on the level/depth of library collection and its intended target groups and programs.
b) Proposed to set Key Performance Indicators based on the library usage (which is relevant to reference library) instead of library membership (which is relevant to public library setting)

Enhancement of corporate image; good public perception on core services and products; and maximization of resources.
Current library collections were only suitable for serious research however, library activities are targeting all levels of users. Target/Key performance indicator set was not based on Pustaka’s core function. Instead emphasis was more on activity based target e.g. Lincoln activities, children activities, community talks and etc. Target/KPI should be based on core activities such as improving and promoting reference services and community information services.

a) Proposed to realign organization’s focus to the existing policy (Pustaka as the State Library) and be clear on the level/depth of library collection and its intended target groups and programs.
b) Proposed to set Key Performance Indicators based on the library usage (which is relevant to reference library) instead of library membership (which is relevant to public library setting)

Enhancement of corporate image; good public perception on core services and products; and maximization of resources.
Current telephone system at the Reference Services - Calls could not be transferred out. The existing physical set up and equipment (e.g. telephone system) used at Reference Service makes it difficult to transfer calls/enquires to other divisions as it did not have a routing function.

a) Proposed to upgrade the existing telephone systems, equipment and physical layout of the new RS counter by planning and budgeting for it.
b) Proposed to promote RS including telephone services e.g. toll-free number, library-phone service (just like phone-banking service-automated answering machine)

Enhancement of corporate image; good public perception on core services and products; and maximization of resources.

The Task Force

People05.png Secretariat People05.png Members

a) Pn. Dayangku Hadzimah Awangku Ahmad
b) En. Bronny Lawrence Nawe
c) Cik Natalia Mohamad

a) Pn. Laurena Aloh
b) En. Razak Rambili
c) En. Ramdzan Saman
d) En. Edison Ricket
e) En. Musa Ayub Abdul Rahman
f) Cik Salina Zawawi