Instatement of Pustaka

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Instatement of Pustaka Negeri Sarawak (Pustaka) as the administering agency for public libraries in Sarawak is an initiative to instate PUSTAKA as the main administering agency for public library services in Sarawak. It was initiated and conceptualised in 2015.

In a society of lifelong learning, whether of a formal or informal nature, public libraries are the nodes connecting the local learning setting with the global resources of information Pustaka has been very diligent in carrying out programs and activities to enhance the provision of public library services in Sarawak. Such efforts shall not only be continued but intensified to consistently contribute and support the intellectual development of the society, economic activities, and to fulfil cultural and recreational needs.


Various Agencies

In Sarawak, the public library services are provided by government agencies such as the twenty five local authorities under the purview of the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development (MLGCD); the Commission of the City of Kuching North (DBKU), the Bintulu Development Authority, and the MLGCD itself. This setup has inevitably resulted in the inconsistent and imbalance development of public libraries in Sarawak. Public libraries under the well-to-do agencies proper better than those having scarce resources.

In most of these government agencies, the public library services are not core services. Hence, the library services are always the first victim of budget cut. Collection development funds are slashed while maintenance budgets are viciously reduced to give way for core services.


Public libraries in Sarawak are established, controlled and maintained under five different laws. First, the “Local Authorities Ordinance, 1996” makes it compulsory for the twenty five local authorities under the MLGCD to provide library services in their areas of jurisdiction. Second, under the “City of Kuching North Ordinance, 1988”, DBKU is obliged to set up and provide public library services in its district. Third, BDA is compelled to provide library services in Bintulu Division, under the “Bintulu Development Authority Ordinance, 1978.

Fourth, the “Sarawak State Library Ordinance, 1999”, gives mandate to Pustaka to function both as a state library and a public library. This law also gives administrative power to Pustaka to manage vital information in the forms of state public records and archives. Fifth, the “Akta Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia (Pindaan) 1987” allows the National Library of Malaysia (NLM) to establish and manage public libraries in any state in Malaysia to further enhance the provision of public library services in the country.

The existence of these laws has caused duplication of efforts, clashes of authorities and waste of crucial resources. In Kuching City alone, there are three government agencies operating public library services – Pustaka, DBKU and MBKS – while in Beladin, there two village libraries serving the same local population. All these libraries are in close proximity.

At present, there are thirty five village libraries in Sarawak under the purview of the of the NLM and monitored by Pustaka. The local authorities are not directly involved in the administration of these village libraries. Certain local authorities are quite reluctant in providing assistance in monitoring these village libraries even if these libraries are in their areas of administration.

The Blueprint

On 2 – 3 December 2008, Pustaka successfully held a workshop entitled “Blueprint for Sarawak’s Information Management and Utilization” to discuss the strategic direction for the development of libraries, information centres, records and archives management in Sarawak. The workshop participants consisted of professionals such as academicians; entrepreneurs; economists; experts in information and communications technology; and records and archives management consultants from Malaysia, Singapore, Canada and Australia.

The Blueprint that was prepared during the workshop drew up vital recommendations for the enhancement of public library services, records and archives management in Sarawak. This blueprint has been presented to the Sarawak State Secretary on 8 April 2010, the Director of the State Planning Unit on 25 June 2010 and the Technical Working Group (TWG) on Information Management on 11 October 2010.

Leading the recommendations listed in the Blueprint is the urgent need to manage the public libraries in Sarawak in a holistic and centralized manner. The current administrative structure, which is decentralized in nature, is evidently not cost-effective and efficient. Centralized administration and management of public libraries has the following advantages.

Economies of Scale

A centralized administration enables structured and systematic planning, implementation, monitoring and control of economic and financial matters. The economic of scale of holistic approach will to certain extent reduce duplication of efforts and waste of resources at all levels of public library administration.

Social Aspect

Human resouce is undoubtly such a crucial component in the management of public libraries, so much so that human resource expenditure ranked the highest in library budgets. Hence, if such expenditure is managed and administer centrally, libraries, public records and archives administrative matters can be handled comprehensively. Training programs identified and established via Training Needs Analysis will ensure staff trainings at all levels are delivered accordingly. Resource sharing of experts can also be realised via centralized administration.

In addition to that, staff can be also be given trainings that are relevant to their jobs and tasks. Training is undeniably a very important element in the management of libraries, records and archives. Centralized management of public libraries, records and archives ensures that continuously planned programs are established to train staff at every organizational level and throughout Sarawak.


Financial planning and management is very important in ensuring that the operations of public libraries, records and archive centres are producing the desired results, while at the same time optimising scarce financial resources. Centalized administration and management facilitates holistic financial planning and management leading to optimization of resources.


At present, most public libraries in Sarawak face the problem limited basic facilities and tight resources. These libraries are poorly equipped with basic amenities such as book shelves, magazine racks, tables and chairs, spaces for activities, ICT infrasructure and Internet, which according to “Public Library Services : IFLA/UNESCO Guidelines for Development” are must-have in public libraries. Public records, archives and documents of historical values currently kept by certain government agencies are in moribund state. These materials are not managed accordingly and are in rudimentary condition due to negligence. Some are deteriorating due to infestations, fungal infections, moisture and heat.

There is a dire need to instate an agency to professionally manage the library premise and its facilities to ensure that building maintenance, asset management, physical facilities and syistem administration are done efficiently and accordingly. Well-managed library building and its facilities portrays the positive image and efficiency of the agency, especially libraries, records and archives centres that deal with the provision of information services.

Public Library Services : IFLA/UNESCO Guidelines for Development

The improvement programs spelled out in the Blueprint are in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the “Public Library Services : IFLA/UNESCO Guidelines for Development”. Implementing these programs would certainly put the administration and management of public libraries, public records and archives in Sarawak on the right track towards world class standards.

Pustaka as a Central Administering Agency

An agency is needed to centrally administer and manage public libraries, public records and archives in Sarawak to reap all the benefits discussed above. Based on financial and human resources, provision of core services and commitment towards IFLA/UNESCO manifesto and guidelines, Pustaka is the most eligible candidate to be instated as this important agency.


1) Akta Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia (Pindaan) 1987
2) Bintulu Development Authority Ordinance, 1978
3) Blueprint for Sarawak’s Information Management and Utilization
4) City of Kuching North Ordinance, 1988
5) Dasar Negara bagi Perpustakaan dan Perkhidmatan Maklumat
6) Local Authorities Ordinance, 1996
7) Public Library Services : IFLA/UNESCO Guidelines for Development
8) Sarawak State Library Ordinance, 1999