Legal Deposit Awareness Seminar

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This seminar aimed to increase awareness of the requirements for submitting publications as outlined in Section 15 of the Sarawak State Library Ordinance, 1999, and the Deposit of Library Materials Act, 1986 (Act 331). Both legal requirements stipulate that every author or publisher must submit not less than three printed copies and two non-printed copies to the Sarawak State Library, as well as five printed copies and two non-printed copies to the National Library of Malaysia.

The seminar's objectives were to provide clarity and understanding of the requirements, benefits, and implications of Section 15 of the Sarawak State Library Ordinance, 1999, and the Deposit of Library Materials Act, 1986 (Act 331). Additionally, the seminar aimed to explain the roles of the Sarawak State Library and the National Library of Malaysia as Depository Centers for published materials in Malaysia. It also provided participants with insights into publication procedures, permissible characteristics of publications, and explanations regarding the functions and legislation related to intellectual property in Malaysia.