Nesly Rebid

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She started her career as an Assistant Librarian in 1983 after completing a Library Science course at UITM, Shah Alam from 1980-1983 and a Postgraduate Studies at the University of New South Wales from February 2016 to April 2017, fully sponsored by the State Government. Her first working station was at the Ministry of Local Government Sarawak at the de facto State Library, located at Jalan P.Ramlee as the Reference Librarian and as a Cataloguer. The Sarawak State Library was put under the Ministry of Environment and Tourism ( MET ). The Ministry of Local Government later changed its name to Ministry of Environment and Tourism. In November 1999, she was seconded to Pustaka Negeri Sarawak to assist with the opening of the library in 2000. She eventually joined the library in 2002 as a Librarian.

On 2nd.-3rd. December 2008, a two-day workshop for The Blueprint ( Blueprint for Sarawak’s Information Management and Utilization) was convened in Kuching, that brought together about 20 distinguished individuals from libraries, public sector and academia to share views, expertise and experiences on the libraries, particularly in the public library sector. She was the co-ordanitor for the workshop, assisted by Madam Suria Ahip Abdullah.

As a Librarian at Pustaka Negeri Sarawak, her first task was at the Technical Services Division, later to Research & Development Division ( changes its name to Innovation and Sustainability Division in 2017), and by 2009, she briefly left the library world to manage the Corporate Management Sector until July 2017, to Library Services Sector. She was previously involved in the maintenance of the village libraries under the Local Authorities ( also known as the Perpustakaan Desa ), co-ordinating Users needs study conducted by UiTM and the Home Library workshops. After 36 years of working in libraries, she will retire by the end of July 2019.